Thursday, January 14, 2010

UAS Kewirausahaan Telematika

Mata Kuliah  :  Kewirausahaan Telematika
Waktu                        :  Kamis, 14 Januari 2010
Dosen             :  DR (can) D.P Febriyana Y.Tohir, SE, MT
Nama                         :  Ristiani
Nim                :  064.07.018

Development Selling Knik - Knacks and Dolls
RISHOL ( Ririz Shop Online )

A.          Background
Telematics entrepreneurship are courses that teach us to become a powerful entrepreneur in business. I as a student who took this course had the duty of the lecturer concerned to make the business can be responsible and able to provide benefits.
Therefore, I got the idea to make a business selling knick - knacks and dolls.

I will start a small business - this scale by holding the principle of ail - sick before, having - like later.

B.      Reason for creating this business
The reason I created this business as a hobby. I love the knick - knacks, especially knick - knacks for teenagers. Initially it for fun - just fun, but easy - hopefully later will give a big advantage and the business can be more developed than before. I wish I founded the business that will later be recognized by all circles.

C.          Target
I created a business that is named RISHOL (Ririz Shop Online). RISHOL sell various kinds of knick - knacks, such as bracelets, a pencil, where cosmetics, mobile phone holder, photo fit, and so on.
RISHOL Also sells various types of dolls, doll size from small to jumbo. With a wide variety of colors and prices.
The main target would I go, that is from the small children to adults.

D.  Market opportunities
Business competition in the market very rapidly. There are many shops also sell goods - items similar to items that are sold in this RISHOL.
 Solution to overcome that is by selling stuff I had with a lower price (cheaper) than any other store. Also, we must have the initiative to dress all the goods with attractive as possible so that buyers are interested and want to buy the goods we sell. Customer will be very reluctant to apply if the seller friendly and polite. So we as shop owners have to be like that of the buyer.

E.    implementation
RISHOL providing online services to every customer who wants to order online.
In addition, I not only sell goods online, but I also opened a store that address in Tangerang, at Sari bumi indah.
If you want to buy a present or a birthday gift or a message just came in here. Every purchase of goods for a birthday present, then you will get a free gift wrap.

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