Thursday, January 14, 2010

Final test of Telematics Entrepreneurship

Name              : Sarah Fitri Rahmalia
NIM                : 064.07.008
“The Final Test of  Telematics Entrepreneurship”

“A Business Development of Shopaholic”
            As a prospective entrepreneurs who has an Informatics Technology’s background (IT Background), I try to be an entrepreneurs to open a business opportunities which suitable with people interest. I choose to be an entrepreneur is caused by many of factor, among them:
  1. An entrepreneur could to set her/his income by herself/himself.
  2. Work is not because of obligation, but caused by her/his volition.
  3. Transferred her/his hobby pent through the business which opened.
  4. Set and do her/his idea.
  5. Entrepreneurship is not needed a big modals forever.

Kind of factors above are influenced me to make a business and I have got a brilliant idea. I want to start my business by open a Shopaholic. Shopaholic is a shop which sell kind of cardigan/boleros/jacket especially for women who want to add her collection of cardigan/boleros/jacket. Why did I sell this? I think in this period, many of people are interested to this product, from a young people to old people. Besides that, it so suitable with my educational background as an IT people, because the product design and making of website (to sell this product) is done by myself.
The Target
            The target of sales this product is so wide, because this product is can to sell to anyone (woman only). It starts from a worker’s people, a college student, a teenager, even though to a child.
 The Market Opportunities
            In terms of market opportunities, the sales of this product will get a significant advantage, because it is not sold yet by many of people in everywhere whereas now it is interested by many of people.

            The technique to sell this product are opened the store in many of area and on a website of shopaholic itself or on social networking like facebook, friendster, and many of them.
            The customers can order and request the product in accordance with the form of they wanted (it is applicable for customers who order and request in the store directly or on website or on social networking). For the customers who order and request on website or social networking, the shipping charges are free (the prices are the same with in the shop) in order the customers are not had a feeling paying too much.
            Besides that, if customers buy 1 a cardigan or a boleros or a jacket, the customers will get a free of a cardigan or a boleros or a jacket (choose the one), but this bonus can’t be requested as a customers want.

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