Wednesday, January 13, 2010


NIM : 065.09.103


The purpose of my entrepreneurship with Online Book Store are:
1. People who want to buy a book or transactions via the Internet only needs to access the Internet and its interface using a web browser
2. Making e-commerce portals / e-shop is not just a shopping portal, but a community gathering place to build a community base, build a market concept is not only a trading place and a center of information (releases, product reviews, consultations, etc)
3. Management of service-oriented, a combination of conventional conceptions and virtual services: Responsiveness (quick response and friendly), Dynamic, Informative and communicative
4. Information up to date, multi-directional communication of dynamic
5. Model of payment: credit card or transfer.


I business in cyberspace (via Internet and the Web) or by e-commerce title, I want to sell my buku.Mengapa choose to sell the book because I think the book business is easy enough for beginners I am new here to berbisnis.Saya choose e-commerce because I have a background that is as student information systems related to teknologi.Dan when doing business in the real world book, we have to hire a shop, pay the security costs, electricity and telephone, more energy out for activities in / outside the store, so fundamentally needed large investments. Not to mention the potential risks to be faced at any time if the shop is on fire or theft. Then lose all the capital in the shop. Different if we sell these books through the virtual world. We just provide websites, Internet, telephone and a glass of coffee and snacks to sell, and the majority of activities without leaving their seats, so fundamentally, issued capital is quite small.


Marketing in business is my main student.Target students and this effort is expected of students which they will buy products that I offer as books about computers. The products I offer useful for students and learners to increase knowledge about the evolving technologies that consumers are more confident with the knowledge possessed and is not considered gaptek (technology illiterate). Consumers choose my product because our product is cheaper, computer books with easy to understand learning and better than the products offered by competitors.

4.Market Opportinity

The main target of this effort is expected of students which they will buy products that I offer as books about computers. The products I offer useful for students and learners to increase knowledge about the evolving technologies that consumers are more confident with the knowledge possessed and is not considered gaptek (technology illiterate). Consumers choose my product because our product is cheaper, computer books with easy to understand learning and better than the products offered and the student kompetitor.Pelajar excellent business purchase for my Online Bookstore.


Setting up the online shop facility is not as easy as making the homepage. Early stages, would prepare his presence, making his homepage, especially as the Storefront. Jobs associated with this is to prepare content, design and web hosting it. In addition to the visual display and its content must be good, homepage structure must also be made clear.
• The next step, preparing the interactivity online stores. Simplest, can use e-mail facility on its website. In order for interactivity between the merchant and The access can be smoothly, then these online vendors prepare his homepage with the standard forms and structured, which can be answered with specific software. So far Indonesia homepage-homepage can not provide interactivity for verification and payment needs.
• The matter of delivery of goods, merchants can work together with the courier company like UPS, FedEx and PT Pos.Bahkan, for a single export demand. Only if the services provided online in Indonesia, so far the management can not interfere in the delivery order.

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