Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Final Test

Final Test : Telematics Entrepreneurship
Lecturer : Mrs. DR (Can) D.P. Febryana Y. Tohir, SE, MT
Date / Time : Thursday, January 14 2010 / 10.00 PM – 12.00 AM
Room : AE 702
Name / NIM : Dina Feblian / 064.06.018

Business Development in Wi-Fi



In the current era of globalization, technology, the more loved by all layers of society who become syndrome every time. Over time the discussion of the dynamics of technology will not be eaten up time. So far we know that the technology without cable or what we often call the Wireless technologies. On this occasion I would try a technology of a wireless. This is so that other Internet service users easy access to obtain the information it needs.
Wi-Fi is the short name for Wireless Fidelity, has a standard set of terms that is used for Wireless Local Networks (Wireless Local Area Networks - WLANs), is currently in preparation, the new specification offers many improvements ranging from broad coverage to further speed transfer.
Wi-Fi originally intended for use of wireless devices and Local Area Network (LAN), but now more widely used to access the Internet. These enable anyone with a computer with a wireless card or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) to connect to the internet using access point (or known as hotspots) nearby.


The purpose of this proposal is to provide an overview of the efforts undertaken to improve the network system with these advanced technologies. Also aim to increase the quality of our human resources quality in the use of wireless technology or wireless network which we call the WiFi technology.
Our main goal in building the WiFi in your environment must not be separated from the business side which issued the investment and profit earned on a regular basis accountable to the Shareholder. We are looking for profit as much as possible with a minimum capital, of course, with the priority of customer satisfaction, which this business is the business in the field of services where service and customers satisfactions are everything.

The purpose of this proposal are:
a) Participation in the development of cheaper Internet in society.
b) Establish community aware of the presence of information technology and the Internet.
c) Sharing of information your environment, so the people in your community better care of the environment around it.
d) Promote any community activities of your environment to the Internet so that the community can be better known.
e) According to include young people in our neighborhood to become a more positive activities.
f) Introduce information technology to the teens in your area, so as to increase
their skills, by doing training, implementation, education and basic knowledge of computers and networks.

Hopefully with the above objectives the development of WiFi in our environments can generate a profit and also participated in the development of human resources.

No one of the most annoying when we're talking about speed internet connection. Especially if in slow access. How not, the name high-speed internet access is a rare commodity in this Republic.
Ordinary high-speed connections we refer to as. But not many know as whether restrictions and the definition of broadband. Apparently, the universal definition of broadband does not exist, but generally all agree that broadband has a better service and faster than a dial-up.
Then the question is why until now broadband access is still very expensive in Indonesia. Compared with our neighboring countries, Indonesia is still comparatively expensive enough. Use of broadband price comparison at 100 kb per second per month, Indonesia's position is on the selling price of 5.07 U.S. dollars. Apparently it is not easy to answer this question. But there are some things we need to understand about the components that we must understand.
The use of access to sites abroad by Internet users in Indonesia is very high,
considering the limited number of local sites that exist.

There are two options that can be used to determine the National Broadband Backbone:
1. Through Fiber Optic (FOR). In addition to lower construction costs (approximately
to 3 trillion rupiah) from the use of satellite FOs also has a small interferen.
2. Via satellite. Although more expensive (even five times more expensive than
FOR), to reach remote areas or border, the use of satellites is more efficient,
because it can reach the area. Should be considered because most areas in
Indonesia have not been able to cover Internet access.

In reality in the field, actually had a lot of companies that provide Internet access via satellite and functioning as a national broadband backbone, even with the flexibility of this service could be a last mile (the infrastructure to end users directly) to its customers. Although comparatively expensive, but the access via the Internet can be an alternative to a national backbone because of its flexibility.


In this discussion describes how entrepreneurship by using Telematics. Telematics stands for telecommunications and informatics. In the all-time advanced technology, people (HR) are expected to have the skills to use these technological tools.


Economic calculation
Economic aspects of wireless technology better than using a cable network, so it is recommended using a password.

• The instrument must be purchased
- Tower (10 Meters)
Price / meter = 500,000 x 10 = 5,000,000
- Modem = 5000000
- Router = 3000000
- Cable network = 200,000
- Cable power = 200,000
- Conector Network = 50,000
- Lan card = 200,000
- Fighting Lightning = 2000000
- Mour + bolts = 50,000
- Jack electricity = 10,000

Analysis of Promotion and Development Information System e-commerce
- Cost of promotion through the website = 30,000,000
- Cost of promotion through television broadcasts = 150,000,000

• Cost / month depending on demand for connection:
- 64 MHz = 1,200,000 / User / Month
- 128 MHz = 2.500.000 / User / Month
- 256 MHz = 3,500,000 / User / Month
- 384 MHz = 5,000,000 / User / Month
- Unlimited = 8000000 / User / Month

• Cost of installation = 5000000

• Power = 2,000,000 to 2,500,000
• Salary Employees (4 People)
1 person = 750,000 x 4 = 3,000,000
• Payment for bandwidth = 1500000

To ensure the sustainability of these programs need a good partner in the learning process and after completion of learning that has been built for communications with relevant companies and are interested in investing on Network Technology industry.

In the process of this educational foundation in charge of providing programs that support the needs of activities such as local (space-theory), a place to operate the network to a server and a network transmitter.

So, that’s all from the proposal that we’ve made. Hopefully, you can consider of it. Thank you very much for your attention.

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