enterpreneur is person of very high aptitude who pioneers change prossesing characteristics found in only a very small fraction of the population. on the other extreme of definitions , anyone who wants to work for himself or herself is considered to be an erterpreneur.or enterpreneur is a person
who has possesion of an enterprise,or venture,and assumes significant accontability for the inherent risks and the outcome.
alternative that chosen make game. this game tell about sipitung from betawi with plot as follows. pitung one of [the] indonesia swordsman comes from betawi-kampung spot swamp jakarta west. the father bang piun and the mother mpok pinah menitip the pitung to learn to study and study arabian language with learn self-defence science to pilgrim naipin. because he not bring oneself to see poor peoples, so he intends to seize and robber landlord treasures and taukee(yang actually treasures spot swamp people property) then be distributed to poor people that need it. activity seizes that gradually known by tuantanah and taukee and then they hostage father and mother pitung. besides pitung like to defend truth and from all the opponents pitung always superior. movement pitung more meluar and final kompeni dutch moment that hold kekuasan at indonesia country does action towards the pitung. dutch policeman leader calls up the troop to catch the pitung, but repeatedly attack doesn't produce anything. pitung always escape and not easy to caught by dutch troop, because he has invulnerable science towards sharp weapon and fire arm. kompeni dutch even also doesn't lose mind, dutch troop leader final will look for teacher the pitung that is pilgrim naipin then be made hostage.
my position is in this project as character maker from story on. with characters next: character
pitung, rais, jii: gamecock, truth pleader, magic,
bang piun:pitung father
mpok pinah: pitung mother
pilgrim naipin: teacher ngaji and self-defence, sholeh, obedient praying
taukee, tuan tanah , kompeni belanda: enemy pitung, cruel, sadist, bring oneself to, wicked.
guard: staff enemies.
nama :susi lowati nur azizah
nim : 065.06.013
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