Tuesday, November 3, 2009


NAMA : Andriew Oktafialnos
NIM : 065.09.102
PELAJARAN : Kewirausahaan Telematika
DOSEN : DR (can) Dwi Panca Febryana Y. Tohir, SE, MT

I think entrepreneurship is a job that could turn a new idea into a successful innovation and risk. An entrepreneur free design, determining manage, control of all his efforts. So an entrepreneur is someone who is capable and can change their own ideas into a situation where the result can be a competitive product on the market that can generate its own selling points.
Entrepreneurship is a mental attitude and spirit that is always active or creative in trying to increase revenues in their business activities or their work. A person who has an entrepreneurial spirit and attitude are not always satisfied with what he had accomplished. From time to time, day after day, week after week is always looking for opportunities to improve business and life. He was always creative and innovate without stopping, because the creative and innovation is all the opportunities can be obtained. Entrepreneurs are skilled people who take advantage of opportunities in developing its business in order to improve their lives.
The main task of this group is to create a background that would make the game. Background that we make must meet the criteria desired by the programmer. First we look for matching these criteria after a suitable place where we photographed so soon after that and then in the edit with fotoshop and given to the programmer, or may be a way to find on the internet and then copy and paste the new computer, we were then given to programmers. Next programmers combine all the existing data such as character, sound and story to create a game.

Benefit / profit-making games:

1. Likely to gain the advantage of making games.

2. Game can describe creative ideas from the game creators and consumers.

3. Games can help provide entertainment to the consumer (in terms of entertainment).

4. Provide separate innovation for most people.

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