Tuesday, November 3, 2009

MID Kewirausahaan Telematika

Febrina Buntari [06408017]

telematics enterpreneurship is a business related to information technology. telematics (telecommunication and information) is used as a media to look for a new business opportunities that are innovative, creative, unique, and to know the market needs, as well as effective media for publication.

the following steps to create a game:
1. create work teams

2. choose a theme the game => adventure, battles, contests, games, etc.

3. choose a story to determine the flow of the game, that has a beginning and end, do not hang or do not have the edge

4. create characters that fit the storyline that has been selected, the character will be icon of this game, because it contains typical game => humans, animation, cartoons, animals, ghosts, or the imagination of game makers

5. choose backgrounds which must be in accordance with the selected theme, this is important because it affects the players in terms of sight

6. choose sound effects, it is also very important because it can affect the feelings of the player, so the game becomes more exciting => anxiety, fear, excitement, dizziness, etc

7. Last is the creation of code, so that computers can understand what is desired by the game makers. This stage is the final stage which is also the most important stage, because if the coding can not be made then all the above stages can not be realized

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