Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mid-Test "Telematics Entrepreneurship"

Name : Cynthia Dewi

NIM : 064.07.019

Entrepreneurship is a way to open up employment without dependence with others, capitalize ideas and high motivation and unyielding spirit. An entrepreneur must be good at seeing opportunities and innovation and creativity needed to support it. An entrepreneur with experience of any activity done. an entrepreneur is a leader, decision maker and is ready to accept any risk of the decision. higher effort to maintain what an entrepreneur who wants to do the higher the price to be paid for his efforts. As an entrepreneur, one of the alternatives that can be done is to make the Games as the current favorite Games by all circles and has a high selling value.
In making the games this time, we as a team to enter the 702 class cultural elements of Indonesia as an Indonesian cultural preservation efforts in the field of information technology. Indonesian cultural one that we display on the games this time comes from the people with the title story "Si Pitung".

As for the stages of making games at this time are:

1. Observation: The observation was conducted to determine the target who will be consumers.

2. Theme: the theme of this games is an educational games that unite the elements of Indonesian culture in the games.

3. Stories: Story in a very important games to The Game more interesting. This games story is a folktale "The Pitung". The story as below:

Background Story

Pitung is one of the warriors came from Indonesia-village betawi belong Slough West Jakarta. His father and His mother Bang Piun Mpok left the Pitung Pinah to learn the Koran and learn Arabic and learn martial arts to the Hajj Naipin. Because he can not bear to see the peoples who are poor, so he intended to rob and plunder treasures and Taukee Landlord (the real treasures are owned by the people belong swamp) which will then be distributed to poor people who need them. Activity gradually robs known by the landlords and their Taukee and then seized my father and mother Pitung. Also Pitung like to defend the truth and of all his opponents Pitung always superior. Pitung meluar movement and eventually the Dutch Company which then held the power in the land of Indonesia take action against the Pitung. Dutch police leaders deploy troops to arrest the Pitung, but many times these attacks did not produce anything. Pitung always qualify and are not easily captured by Dutch troops, because he has knowledge immune from sharp weapons and firearms. Dutch Company had not lost his mind, the leader of the Dutch troops eventually find the teachers are Haji Naipin Pitung which will then be held hostage.


The Pitung, hero of the swamp belong betawi pity to see the situation of the people belong swamp the very poor. Therefore, the pitung with two friends, Rais and JII has plans to seize the property of Landlord and the famous Taukee very rich. This booty will be distributed to the poor people who need them.

The core story :

Level One: Resistance between the Pitung with Taukee at night to free the father of the hostages and seizing the property of the people taken by Taukee.
Level Two: Resistance between the Pitung with Landlord in the evening to free the mother of the hostages and seizing the property of the people who steal by Landlord.
Level Three: Perlawana between the Pitung the Dutch Company in the day to release the Hajj Naipin teacher.

4. Characters: the characters in these games consist of:
-Pitung, Rais, JII: Stud, defender of truth, magic,
-Bang Piun: Babeh Pitung
-Mpok Pinah: Enyak Pitung
-Haji Naipin: Teacher Koran and martial arts, sholeh, pious
-Taukee, Landlord, Netherlands Company: Enemy pitung, cruel, sadistic, heart, evil, put on, tengil
-Hitman: the enemy's men.
Making the characters must be as attractive as possible to attract players created with the software games.can use software for animated picture like coreldraw, photoshop, etc.

5. Background: background on the games it refers to a situation Betawi Tempo Dulu. one of them is the Old City and the House of Betawi.

6. Backsounds: backsound the games are taken from typical songs Batavia area, as in the songs of Benjamin S.

7. makes coding: coding and supporting applications (software maker games, such as macromedia flash, adobe flash etc. ..) Must not exist because if it is nothing games will not run.
The making of this game-based Macromedia Flash.

As an entrepreneur must be able to see the opportunity to use the games as an alternative to innovate and berkreatifitas, because games have a higher selling price and thus profit can integrate elements of Indonesian culture to the games in the effort to preserve the culture of Indonesia. expected audience of this game can see the value more than making educational games that incorporate elements of Indonesian culture and can instill love of the country against domestic products.

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