Tuesday, November 3, 2009


:: 064.07.018

Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur, which means people who make an effort to turn innovation into economic goods.

step-by-step to make a good game :

  1. Make a good game
This step seems so basic, yet often ignored by the game designer. With the increasing emphasis on character cute, pink packaging, and marketing, it is not surprising that the actual content of the game was lost.

2. Give the Characters a Personality

characters that must be given in the game. all the characters and the nature of treatment is up to us to how to make the important interesting.

3. Realize that Girl Gamers Are Not All Alike

Do not just make games for women only, not monotonous. because most men gamers.

4. Create (Physically) Strong Female Characters

There is no reason to keep disadvantaging female characters in video games. Across genres, female characters are consistently weaker than their male counterparts. We are restricted to working around strength and employing other tactics for survival – female characters tend to have more developed magic ability, feminized weapons, healing prowess, or increased agility and speed. Quite often, this leads to male players of video games eschewing female fighting characters outright – and mocking female players who choose to do battle with a character who is obviously inferior.

5. Start preparing now

A study recently by the Canadian-based Media Awareness Network states that 70% of video game players to the system console is male. This means that 30% of gamers are women - and the number continues to grow every day. So, start doing research now.
then be prepared from now to make a game.

thankyouu :)

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