Tuesday, November 3, 2009


NAMA : Indra Adi Pradana
NIM : 064.06.028
PELAJARAN : Kewirausahaan Telematika
DOSEN : DR (can) Dwi Panca Febryana Y. Tohir, SE, MT

Entrepreneurship can be defined as someone who is willing and able to turn a new idea into a successful innovation. So an entrepreneur is someone who is capable and can change their own ideas into a situation where the result can be a competitive product on the market that can generate its own selling points.
The main task of this group is to create a background of the game that will be made. Background that we make must meet the criteria desired by the programmer. We first find a matching these criteria after a suitable place so we photographed the place immediately afterwards and then in the edit with fotoshop and given to the programmer, or it could be a way of searching on the internet and then copy and paste the new computer, we then given to the programmers.
Gain experience on how actual market conditions and also can know the level of difficulty that will face an entrepreneur. When we became an entrepreneur we need to know and understand exactly what factors can only be an opportunity to sell products on the market, by making this game so we know what the market wants, so that we think about living how the marketing strategy we will do.

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