Monday, November 30, 2009
1) Cynthia Dewi <064.07.019>
2) Sarah fitri Rahmalia <064.07.008>
3) Dwi Indah Fitriyanti <064.07.038>
4) Nur Trismi Auliah <064.07.044>
5) Devinta Yuli K <064.07.039>
6) Ristiani <064.07.018>
7) Tiana Kautsari <065.09.112>
The Next Empire
Parag Khanna is one of people who believes the answer lies right under our noses. He is 30 years old. Only 30 years Parag Khanna has spent more than two years travelling to more than 100 countries hoping to see the flash directly points of geopolitics and globalization. From observations
appeared a book, which recently published The Second World: Empires and Influence in the New Global Order (Random House, 2008), a thought see the future of global competition.
Khanna imagine that in the future influence of the second world is based not only on military strength but rather on the set of the broader variables, such as: "economic productivity, global market share, technological innovation, natural resource endowments, and population size. Khanna according to a senior research fellow at the Washington, DC-based New America Foundation, is a variable of the kingdom which came to power comes from large consequences to the United States because it adapts to the coalition models to meet changing conditions.
so globalization is not only promoting American culture, but also promote the culture of other countries. and only reflect what is happening outside the U.S. borders, as happened in European countries and India. Because of this globalization, the U.S. would have to face the fact that power has declined.
To deal with globalization issues, the U.S. must take steps to revive its economy. that is by way of internal balancing the gap between the rich and the poor, and become more fiscal responsibility in changing its status as a debtor nation. In addition the U.S. must also look at improving the competitiveness of all Latin America, through investment from government
and the private sector, to increase productivity theWestern countries in the hemisphere are friendly to which USThis all add up to big geopolitical vision a stable, pro-American hemisphere.
So, Khanna believes that Latin America will emerge as solution to the problem the United States in the future competitiveness.
Will Indonesia be the one competitors such developed countries in the future ?
Yes,Indonesia will.
because Indonesia will always be associated with other developed countries. so that Indonesia will gradually affected by globalization. Indonesia should develop itself to become more qualified to compete with these countries, because Indonesia will always be associated with developed countries are more. so that Indonesia will gradually be affected by globalization.
Indonesia should develop himself to become eligible to compete with these countries, because Indonesia has many natural resources can be developed into new resources for the benefit of his country or other countries.
Parag Khanna has spent more than two years when he was 30 years old, travelling to more than 100 countries. To see the flash points of geopolitics and globalization. Khanna posits that the struggle for global economic and diplomatic influence over the coming decades will pit three empires - the United States, the European Union , and China -.
In the future envisioned by Khanna, the empires power will be based not solely on military strength but rather on a broader set of variables : “economic productivity, global market share, technology innovation, natural resource endowments, and population size, as well as intangible factors such as national willpower and diplomatic skill.” For Khanna, a senior research at the Washington, the variables from wich the empires gain power are of great consequence to the United States, as it adapts its coalition model to meet changing conditions. Khanna recently sat down with strategy+business to discuss his view of the world as it applies to the role of United States multinationals and the fture of American competitiveness.
2. Will Indonesia in the future be one of those developed countries competitors?
Yes, of course. As long as Indonesia got the will to be one of those. Indonesia has to developed itself to become more eligible for compete with those countries. With technology and informatics spreading issues, and the ability to compete are completely owned by Indonesia, Indonesia always got the opportunities to compete with those developed countries.
Rika (064.08.002)
Febrina Buntari (064.08.017)
Galih Eka Putra (064.08.020)
Swastika Krisna devi (064.08.022)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
midle test

enterpreneur is person of very high aptitude who pioneers change prossesing characteristics found in only a very small fraction of the population. on the other extreme of definitions , anyone who wants to work for himself or herself is considered to be an erterpreneur.or enterpreneur is a person
who has possesion of an enterprise,or venture,and assumes significant accontability for the inherent risks and the outcome.
alternative that chosen make game. this game tell about sipitung from betawi with plot as follows. pitung one of [the] indonesia swordsman comes from betawi-kampung spot swamp jakarta west. the father bang piun and the mother mpok pinah menitip the pitung to learn to study and study arabian language with learn self-defence science to pilgrim naipin. because he not bring oneself to see poor peoples, so he intends to seize and robber landlord treasures and taukee(yang actually treasures spot swamp people property) then be distributed to poor people that need it. activity seizes that gradually known by tuantanah and taukee and then they hostage father and mother pitung. besides pitung like to defend truth and from all the opponents pitung always superior. movement pitung more meluar and final kompeni dutch moment that hold kekuasan at indonesia country does action towards the pitung. dutch policeman leader calls up the troop to catch the pitung, but repeatedly attack doesn't produce anything. pitung always escape and not easy to caught by dutch troop, because he has invulnerable science towards sharp weapon and fire arm. kompeni dutch even also doesn't lose mind, dutch troop leader final will look for teacher the pitung that is pilgrim naipin then be made hostage.
my position is in this project as character maker from story on. with characters next: character
pitung, rais, jii: gamecock, truth pleader, magic,
bang piun:pitung father
mpok pinah: pitung mother
pilgrim naipin: teacher ngaji and self-defence, sholeh, obedient praying
taukee, tuan tanah , kompeni belanda: enemy pitung, cruel, sadist, bring oneself to, wicked.
guard: staff enemies.
nama :susi lowati nur azizah
nim : 065.06.013
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
2. RISTIANI (064.07.018)
3. CYNTHIA DEWI (064.07.019)
4. DWI INDAH FITRIYANTI (064.07.038)
6. NUR TRISMI AULIAH (064.07.044)
The Entrepreneur Concept
An entrepreneurial concept can only succeed in a window of opportunity, or more properly when a series of window coincide. The entrpreneur must be able to access an appropriate level of technology, and the market must be capable of absorsing a sufficient quantity of product. These two factor are not entirely independent : the market’s capacity to absorb product will be affected by the price, which will in turn be affected by the state of the avalaible technology.
There are many examples of ventures failing, such as the market was not ready for there product. The something can be made doesn’t mean that people are prepare to pay for it. So, the invention is not innovation. The invention is finding a something new or new product, whereas the innovation is making a new product or developing it based on that’s invention.
For the example, we can see the biography of Sir Reginald Myles Ansett KBE with “Seizing The Time”.
R. M. Ansett was born in 1909 in northtern Victoria. He came from a small family. His father ran a small bicycle repair until he get the First AIF in France. After all, his father’s business was failure and Ansett left school at 14 and became an apprentice machanic in the factory. Finally, he get a Great Depression of 1929 and returned, close to his family, but not too close. He had a particular fascination with aircraft and flying. He spent much of money to got the flying lessons and in 1929 he gained a civil pilot’s licence.
Victoria is the country of agriculture and decentralised industry. In this country, Ansett had some money from his work. He laid out $50 to buy a car, offered hybrid taxi or bus service, based on Hamilton and other affluent men and the main railway centres of hamilton and ballarat. Finally the victorian government gave extensive powers to regulate road transport in 1931. After that Ansett’s business grew up and he bought more vehicles, engaged more drivers and opened workshop.
In 1945, Ansett extended his service through Ballarat to Melbourne, paralelling one of trailway system bussies and most lucrative passanger and the government acted to preserve this revenue, affectively banning the operation of private busses/taxy between Melbourne and Ballarat.
Ansett did continue to develope his bus routes and his pioneer coach lines eventually became Autrslia’s largest long distance route operator. He lso dusted of his pillot decence, spent most of his bussiness cash on aeroplane, paying $1000 for the aircraft and $250 for a spare engine and began an air service between Hamilto and Assendon, a Nourthern suburb of Melborne.
When the war ended, Ansett owned world’s class airframe, engine, instruments maintanance, and testing the facelities, but no aircraft no route licency. The first post-war Prime Minister was Ban Ciffley, a former engine driver on the NSW government railways, and admirer Laisez Faire.
Ansett was refused any licences to operate direct inter-capital service and began rebuilding his pre-war network, flying Melbourne-Albury-Sidney and Sidney-Broken Heal-Addelaide, for example.
After the 1949, election the Mainzeis Liberal/Conservative government replace Chiffley, and Ansett approached Mainzeis, offering to buy TAA and free the government from the taint of sosialism. Mainzeis didn’t paid the offer serriously, but did allow Ansett to operate non-stop Melbourne-Sidney flights. The government has passed two air lines ACT, with Ansett tolerated neither than encouraged, and use there import licencing power to make sure that no intruder show upset the balance. When TAA and ANA had to upgrade their fleets in the early 1950’s, TAA when for presurised Conver 340 aircraft well ANA choose un-presurised. Douglas DC4 ‘Master’ aircraft.
High worked at the time for vacum Oil Co, which was major unsecurred creditor of ANA’s. He persuaded his management to put up $500.000 in case and the same amount infuel credit, and the persuaded Shell Oil Co. To do the same. High then rang Ansett and told him that he had $1000.000 available in cese and some breathing space. Ansett’s next call was Manseiz, who was pacing the unpallatable. Prospect of becoming a free enterprice Prime Minister preciding over the final sosialization of the Autralian of transport industry. Change of ownership would not save ANA; a chane of aircraft a nedeed, too.
The two airlines were, from than forward, legally bound to consult each other on flit selection, arrangement that was formalized into a common flit purcasing policy between 1960 and 1977. the two airlines agreement also pescribed a common fare schedule and capacity limit; for the entire life of the two airlines policy. Succesive Ministers for Aviation freeted about there enabelity to stop the two ‘Competitors’. Oprating the same schedule on all yhe major routes.
When the government decided to make additional TV channels available in 1964 Ansett securet to licences and letter purchased a third: This my have reflected a sudden interest in entertainment, but the fact that, as TV licence, ownership of Ansett shares was subject to sharp limits may have aslo interested Ansett.
After all that, Ansett died in 1982, an essentially private men, but Ansett airlines continued to thrive; in 1995 TNT’s half share in the airlines was sold to Air New Zealand for $450 million. Ansett original $50 had grown at an avarage annual rate of over 28 percent, through good times and bad, war and peace, for over 6 years.
NIM : 065.09.102
PELAJARAN : Kewirausahaan Telematika
DOSEN : DR (can) Dwi Panca Febryana Y. Tohir, SE, MT
I think entrepreneurship is a job that could turn a new idea into a successful innovation and risk. An entrepreneur free design, determining manage, control of all his efforts. So an entrepreneur is someone who is capable and can change their own ideas into a situation where the result can be a competitive product on the market that can generate its own selling points.
Entrepreneurship is a mental attitude and spirit that is always active or creative in trying to increase revenues in their business activities or their work. A person who has an entrepreneurial spirit and attitude are not always satisfied with what he had accomplished. From time to time, day after day, week after week is always looking for opportunities to improve business and life. He was always creative and innovate without stopping, because the creative and innovation is all the opportunities can be obtained. Entrepreneurs are skilled people who take advantage of opportunities in developing its business in order to improve their lives.
The main task of this group is to create a background that would make the game. Background that we make must meet the criteria desired by the programmer. First we look for matching these criteria after a suitable place where we photographed so soon after that and then in the edit with fotoshop and given to the programmer, or may be a way to find on the internet and then copy and paste the new computer, we were then given to programmers. Next programmers combine all the existing data such as character, sound and story to create a game.
Benefit / profit-making games:
1. Likely to gain the advantage of making games.
2. Game can describe creative ideas from the game creators and consumers.
3. Games can help provide entertainment to the consumer (in terms of entertainment).
4. Provide separate innovation for most people.
NIM : 064.06.028
PELAJARAN : Kewirausahaan Telematika
DOSEN : DR (can) Dwi Panca Febryana Y. Tohir, SE, MT
Entrepreneurship can be defined as someone who is willing and able to turn a new idea into a successful innovation. So an entrepreneur is someone who is capable and can change their own ideas into a situation where the result can be a competitive product on the market that can generate its own selling points.
The main task of this group is to create a background of the game that will be made. Background that we make must meet the criteria desired by the programmer. We first find a matching these criteria after a suitable place so we photographed the place immediately afterwards and then in the edit with fotoshop and given to the programmer, or it could be a way of searching on the internet and then copy and paste the new computer, we then given to the programmers.
Gain experience on how actual market conditions and also can know the level of difficulty that will face an entrepreneur. When we became an entrepreneur we need to know and understand exactly what factors can only be an opportunity to sell products on the market, by making this game so we know what the market wants, so that we think about living how the marketing strategy we will do.
Mid test Kewirausahaan Telematika
NIM : 065.04.017
Wirausaha adalah kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh seseorang untuk melihat dan menilai kesempatan-kesempatan bisnis, mengumpulkan sumber daya-sumber daya yang dibutuhkan untuk mengambil tindakan yang tepat dan mengambil keuntungan dalam rangka meraih sukses.
Kewirausahaan adalah sifat, ciri dan watak seseorang yang memiliki kemauan dalam mewujudkan gagasan inovatif ke dalam dunia nyata secara kreatif.
Untuk memenangkan persaingan, maka seorang wirausahawan harus memiliki daya kreativitas yang tinggi. Daya kreatifitas tersebut sebaiknya adalah dilAndasi oleh cara berpikir yang maju, penuh dengan gagasan-gagasan
baru yang berbeda dengan produk-produk yang telah ada selama ini di pasar.
Gagasan-gagasan yang kreatif umumnya tidak dapat dibatasi oleh ruang, bentuk ataupun waktu. Justru sering kali ide-ide jenius yang memberikan terobosan-terobosan baru dalam dunia usaha awalnya adalah dilAndasi oleh gagasan-gagasan kreatif yang kelihatannya mustahil.
Namun,gagasan-gagasan yang baikpun, jika tidak diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, hanya akan menjadi sebuah mimpi. Gagasan-gagasan yang jenius umumnya membutuhkan daya inovasi yang tinggi
dari wirausahawan yang bersangkutan. Kreativitas yang tinggi tetap membutuhkan sentuhan inovasi agar laku di pasar.
Wirausaha merupakan orang-orang yang memiliki kemampuan melihat dan menangkap peluang bisnis, mengumpulkan sumberdaya yang dibutuhkan guna mengambil keuntungan dan mengambil tindakan yang tepat dalam memastikan keberhasilan.
Wirausaha adalah kemampuan untuk berdiri sendiri, berdaulat, merdeka lahir batin, sumber peningkatan kepribadian, suatu proses dimana orang mengajar peluang, merupakan sifat mental dan sifat jiwa yang selalu aktif, dituntut untuk mampu mengelola, menguasai, mengetahui dan berpengalaman untuk memacu kreatifitas.
Jika anda tidak mengetahui bagaimana langkah-langkah membuat game, berikut adalah langkah-langkah yang harus anda lakukan dalam membuat game secara garis besar:
1. Tentukan tema game
2. Pilih Genre game
3. Pilih grafis.
4. Pilih software
5. Cari musik dan sound efek
6. Mulai membuat game
7. Tes game
Pitung, Rais, Jii : Jagoan, pembela kebenaran, sakti,
Bang Piun : Babeh Pitung
Mpok Pinah : Enyak Pitung
Haji Naipin : Guru ngaji dan bela diri, sholeh, taat beribadah
Taukee, Tuan Tanah, Kompeni Belanda : Musuh pitung, kejam, sadis, tega, jahat, belagu, tengil
Centeng : anak buah para musuh.
Cerita dari pitung adalah
Pitung merupakan salah satu pendekar Indonesia berasal dari betawi-kampung Rawa belong Jakarta Barat. Ayahnya Bang Piun dan Ibunya Mpok Pinah menitipkan si Pitung untuk belajar mengaji dan mempelajari bahasa Arab serta belajar ilmu bela diri kepada Haji Naipin. Karena ia tidak tega melihat rakyat-rakyat yang miskin, maka ia berniat merampas dan merampok harta-harta Tuan Tanah dan Taukee(yang sebenarnya harta-harta tersebut milik rakyat rawa belong) yang kemudian akan dibagikan kepada rakyat miskin yang memerlukannya. Kegiatan merampas itu lambat laun diketahui oleh TuanTanah dan Taukee dan kemudian mereka menyandera Ayah dan Ibu Pitung. Selain itu Pitung suka membela kebenaran dan dari semua lawannya Pitung selalu unggul.
Pengertian dari Wiraswasta.
Suatu kegiatan yang membuka lapangan pekerjaan untuk sebagian orang yang ingin berkarir. karena orang yang berwiraswasta itu bukan hanya pemilik dari suatu perusahaan melainkan dia ikut serta dalam kegiatan dari perusahaannya tersebut. saat ini wiraswasta adalah bidang yang paling banyak diminati orang banyak. jikalau dia bekerja sendiri tanpa ada orang lain ataupun pegawai. dia akan mendapatkan seluruh keuntungannya dari hasil penjualan barang ataupun jasa yang dia tawarkan.
Langkah-Langkah membuat Games.
. menentukan category yang akan di buat
. menentukan ciri-ciri dari character sampai mendetail
. membuat alur cerita dari games tersebut
. membuat character yang telah ditentukan
. merancang background untuk games tersebut
. membuat suara efek dalam games tersebut agar lebih menarik untuk memainkannya
. finishing touch ( mengecek kembali semua pekerjaan yang telah selesai)
Manfaat membuat Games.
. mempunyai kepuasan tersendiri jikalau selesai sebelum deadline
. mempunyai teamwork yang solid
. mampu berbicara untuk menjelaskan bagaimana cara bermain games tersebut
. menumbuhkan kedisiplinan dan kesabaran
NIM : 064.07.008
Telematics entrepreneurship is a new innovation to develop their business by exploiting opportunities with the help of a technology that serves to facilitate and support these opportunities and provide information to people about these innovations in various ways through the medium of sound, images, figures, data, and combination of them.
In this period, the technology had been used by many of people, started from children until a grown up person. For the example is internet.
In this a big opportunities, I will make software which based on technology. This software is making new games based Flash themed Fighting. The process of making these games is difficult enough, among them:
- Story
In all games is absolutely has a story from a beginning until games over. This story is going to be the first step in making of games. Without the story, the next step can’t be realized.
- Character
The next step is making many of characters based on these stories. The making of this game is accompanied by the sound when the 'hero' win, lose, pierced sword, and many others.
- Back Sound
After the character, we can make a back sound on this game. Surely, it based on the story that we had made. For the example is in the forest, the back sound could be a sound of cricket, and many of them.
- Background
After back sound, we have to make a background of this game in order to be more interesting.
- Coding
At last but not least is making the coding of this software. This step is very important, because without coding the software that we make will not be going according to our wishes.
In this case, I will focus on the creation story. The story that I adopted in making these games, the Betawi folk tales called the Pitung. Why? Because I want to make the games that can maintain the history and culture of
Pitung is one of the warriors came from Indonesia-village betawi belong Slough West Jakarta. His father and His mother Bang Piun Mpok left the Pitung Pinah to learn the Koran and learn Arabic and learn martial arts to the Hajj Naipin. Because he can not bear to see the peoples who are poor, so he intended to rob and plunder treasures and Taukee Landlord (the real treasures are owned by the people belong swamp) which will then be distributed to poor people who need them. Activity gradually robs known by the landlords and their Taukee and then seized my father and mother Pitung. Also Pitung like to defend the truth and of all his opponents Pitung always superior. Pitung meluar movement and eventually the Dutch Company which then held the power in the
The Pitung, hero of the swamp belong betawi pity to see the situation of the people belong swamp the very poor. Therefore, the pitung with two friends, Rais and JII has plans to seize the property of Landlord and the famous Taukee very rich. This booty will be distributed to the poor people who need them.
The core story
Level One: Resistance between the Pitung with Taukee at night to free the father of the hostages and seizing the property of the people taken by Taukee.
Level Two: Resistance between the Pitung with Landlord in the evening to free the mother of the hostages and seizing the property of the people who steal by Landlord.
Level Three: Resistance between the Pitung the Dutch Company in the day to release the Hajj Naipin teacher.
Life: 5
Additional life: a bullet in the chest
Power: machetes, gloves, and immune to bullets
Bonus: defeating the enemy + star
Finally he and his companions Pitung succeed stand for truth and justice and to free people - people who in love and rob the people's property for the distributed again to the need.
Pitung: Stud, defender of truth, magic,
Bang Piun: The father of Pitung
Mpok Pinah: The mother of Pitung
Haji Naipin: Al-Qur’an Teacher and martial arts, sholeh
Taukee, Landlord, Netherlands Company: Enemy of Pitung, cruel, sadistic
The Benefits of game that I made is train the sensitively, practice of problem solving, logical and creative thinking, and the most influential is learning English indirectly. But, the most important of all is our nation has not forgotten the folklore of our country.
mid test
nim : 06406036
Pengertian Wirausaha dr Sudut Pandang Sendiri
Suatu usaha / kegiatan / cara yang dilakukan seseorang dengan cara membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru, sesuai dengan bidang yg ditekuninya dengan tujuan untuk memberikan lahan pekerjaan baru bagi dirinya dan bagi orang lain. Seorang wirausahawan itu sendiri merupakan seorang pengusaha sekaligus pemilik dari bidang usaha tersebut yang berdedikasi untuk memberikan pekerjaan bagi tenaga ahli dalam bidang usaha dari yang kecil hingga menengah.
Tahapan Dalam Membuat Game
• Menentukan tema dr game yg akan dibuat
• Menentukan basis dr game tersebut,apakah berbasis web atau flash.
• Menentukan icon dan tokoh2 dalam game tersebut.
• Menentukan category yg akan dibuat dalam game tersebut, apakah fighting game, racing game, simulation game , atau adventure game.
• Menetapkan story work, berhubungan langsung dengan category dan tema.
• Menentukan latar belakang, karakter, step, ending.
• Proses pembuatan.
Manfaat Yang Didapat dr Pembuatan Game
• Mengetahui secara langsung apa saja yg dikerjakan dlm proses pembuatan tsb.
• Team work yg harus melibatkan antar kelompok pengerjaan
• Kesabaran dalam menghadapi orang lain
• Kesiapan mental selama menghadapi orang lain
• Kedisiplinan dalam menyelesaikan tugas yg di berikan
• Dedikasi/keseriusan dlm menangani pekerjaan
• Professional, tidak melibatkan perasaan pribadi
• Time management
Wirausaha adalah seseorang yang bebas dan memiliki kemampuan untuk hidup mandiri dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya atau bisnisnya atau hidupnya. Ia bebas merancang, menentukan mengelola, mengendalikan semua usahanya. Sedangkan kewirausahaan adalah suatu sikap, jiwa dan kemampuan untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang baru yang sangat bernilai dan berguna bagi dirinya dan orang lain. Kewirausahaan
meruapakan sikap mental dan jiwa yang selalu aktif atau kreatif berdaya, bercipta, berkarsa dan bersaahaja dalam berusaha dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan dalam kegaitan usahanya atau kiprahnya. Seorang yang memiliki jiwa dan sikap wirausaha selalu tidak puas dengan apa yang telah dicapainya. Dari waktu-ke waktu, hari demi hari, minggu demi minggi selalu mencari peluang untuk meningkatkan usaha dan kehidupannya. Ia selalu berkreasi dan berinovasi tanpa berhenti, karena dengan berkreasi dan berinovasi lah semua peluang dapat diperolehnya. Wirausaha adalah orang yang terampil memanfaatkan peluang dalam mengembangkan usahanya dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kehidupannya.
Pada hakekatnya semua orang adalah wirausaha dalam arti mampu berdiri sendiri dalam emnjalankan usahanya dan pekerjaannya guna mencapai tujuan pribadinya, keluarganya, msaayarakat , bangsa dan negaranya, akan tetapi banyak diantara kita yang tidak berkarya dan berkarsa untuk mencapai prestasi yang lebih baik untuk masa depannya, dan ia menjadi ketergantungan pada orang lain, kelompok lain dan bahkan bangsa dan Negara lainnya. Istilah kewirausahaan, kata dasarnya berasal dari terjemahan entrepreneur, yang dalam bahasa Inggris di kenal dengan between taker atau go between. Pada abad pertengahan istilah entrepreneur digunakan untuk menggambarkan seseorang actor yang memimpin proyek produksi, Konsep wirausaha secara lengkap dikemukakan oleh Josep Schumpeter, yaitu sebagai orang yang mendobrak sistem ekonomi yang ada dengan memperkenalkan barang dan jasa yang baru, dengan menciptakan bentuk organisasi baru atau mengolah bahan baku baru. Orang tersebut melakukan kegiatannya melalui organisasi bisnis yang baru atau pun yang telah ada. Dalam definisi tersebut ditekankan bahwa wirausaha adalah orang yang melihat adanya peluang kemudian menciptakan sebuah organisasi untuk memanfaatkan peluang tersebut. Sedangkan proses kewirausahaan adalah meliputi semua kegiatan fungsi dan tindakan untuk mengejar dan memanfaatkan peluang dengan menciptakan suatu organisasi. Istilah wirausaha dan wiraswasta sering digunakan secara bersamaan, walaupun memiliki substansi yang agak berbeda
dan pola tindak seseorang terhadap tugas-tugas yang menjadi tanggungjawabnya dan selalu berorientasi kepada pelanggan. Atau dapat juga diartikan sebagai semua tindakan dari seseorang yang mampu memberi nilai terhadap tugas dan tanggungjawabnya. Adapun kewirausahaan merupakan sikap mental dan sifat jiwa yang selalu aktif dalam berusaha untuk memajukan karya baktinya dalam rangka upaya meningkatkan pendapatan di dalam kegiatan usahanya. Selain itu kewirausahan adalah kemampuan kreatif dan inovatif yang dijadikan dasar, kiat, dan sumber daya untuk mencari peluang menuju sukses. Inti dari kewirausahaan adalah kemampuan untuk menciptakan seuatu yang baru dan berbeda (create new and different) melaui berpikir kreatif dan bertindak inovatif untuk menciptakan peluang dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup. Pada hakekatnya kewirausahaan adalah sifat, ciri, dan watak seseorang yang memiliki kemauan dalam mewujudkan gagasan inovatif kedalam dunia nyata secara kreatif.
Dari beberapa konsep yang ada ada 6 hakekat penting kewirausahaan sebagai berikut ( Suryana,2003 : 13), yaitu :
1. Kewirausahaan adalah suatu nilai yang diwujudkan dalam perilaku yang dijadikan dasar sumber daya, tenaga penggerak, tujuan, siasat, kiat, proses, dan hasil bisnis (Acmad Sanusi, 1994)
2. Kewirausahaan adalah suatu kemampuan untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang baru dan berbeda (ability to create the new and different) (Drucker, 1959).
3. Kewirausahaan adalah suatu proses penerapan kreativitas dan inovasi dalam memecahkan persoalan dan menemukan peluang untuk memperbaiki kehidupan (Zimmerer. 1996).
4. Kewirausahaan adalah suatu nilai yang diperlukan untuk memulai suatu usaha (start-up phase) dan perkembangan usaha (venture growth) (Soeharto Prawiro, 1997).
5. Kewirausahaan adalah suatu proses dalam mengerjakan sesuatu yang baru (creative), dan sesuatu yang berbeda (inovative) yang bermanfaat memberi nilai lebih.
6. Kewirausahaan adalah usaha menciptakan nilai tambah dengan jalan mengkombinasikan sumber-sumber melaui cara-cara baru dan berbeda untuk memenangkan
JOKO SAPUTRO [065.09.108]
"Mid Test Kewirausahaan Telematika"
Nim : 065.06.001
In my opinion, Entrepreneurs are people who have the ability to see and capture business opportunities, gather the resources needed to take advantage and take appropriate action in ensuring success.
Story of the game about Pitung is one of the warriors came from Indonesia-village betawi belong Slough West Jakarta. His father and His mother Bang Piun Mpok left the Pitung Pinah to learn the Koran and learn Arabic and learn martial arts to the Hajj Naipin. Because he can not bear to see the peoples who are poor, so he intended to rob and plunder treasures and Taukee Landlord (the real treasures are owned by the people belong swamp) which will then be distributed to poor people who need them.
The core story:
Level One: Resistance between the Pitung with Taukee at night to free the father of the hostages and seizing the property of the people taken by Taukee.
Level Two: Resistance between the Pitung with Landlord in the evening to free the mother of the hostages and seizing the property of the people who steal by Landlord.
Level Three: Perlawana between the Pitung the Dutch Company in the day to release the Hajj Naipin teacher.
Good games are games that have a general science knowledge adequate, needs analysis in the power and speed, needed skills right decision, and so forth. Do not just choose from a lot of games that could push it finished (seal) for lack of a developed brain. Teach children to understand the words to prepare English language dictionary when he does not understand meaning.
of making the game I got a part to create a character that is:
Pitung, Rais, JII: Stud, defender of truth, magic,
Bang Piun: Babeh Pitung
Mpok Pinah: Enyak Pitung
Haji Naipin: Teacher Koran and martial arts, sholeh, pious
Taukee, Landlord, Netherlands Company: Enemy pitung, cruel, sadistic, heart, evil, put on, tengil
Hitman: the enemy's men.
The movement of characters in the game is something that The most basic but also important in creating game. When we create a character game RPG (Role playing game), but our character can not move, Instead, we make games that will be no cried and uninteresting. In fact, the story line, pictures, music, and other features of the game that we are was very good. It will not matter if the game we are not called just because his character can not be move.
Although the movement of characters in a game is an important thing, this law does not apply
in some types of games with a different genre. Examples of games that do not require themovement of characters algorithm discussed in this second instance of type game visual novel. This game type just described the characters that dialogue in a screen, which is the background of the game
My first character was created by drawing a rough picture of the stationery used pencils and then enhanced by using a computer
Generally used clothing traditional clothes betawi, for example mpok pinah uses kebaya and and the hair using a bun
, and the company uses Dutch wear.
Thus the characters in the game that I have created hope to add to the perfection of these games.
MID-Test "Telematics Entrepreneurship"
NIM : 064.07.039
Entrepreneurship is the ability to stand on their own, sovereign, independent inner and outer, the source of increased personality, a process in which the teaching opportunities, the mental properties and mental properties that are always active, is required to be able to manage a business, controlling, know and experience in order to stimulate creativity all people interested in what we created with the idea and our own creativity, for example using the facilities of information and communication technology, one of them is an alternative "Making Games".
Here I am as a story that contains a story in the making of games. Here I make an interesting story, unique, creative in making games that will be able to give a different character from the others who could sell a business can make all the people from among the children to adults can be interested and like this game. In this story I wanted to make a story of folklore originating from our own country so unique stories of our own country is not forgotten, this may be the first time we make games with backgrounds and cultures of our own country.
I choose an alternative make a game of games, because many young children today, especially the little kids loved the games all the games. Therefore, I want to make games that are different from the others, which is making games with the background and culture of our own country. Eg The Pitung, Hanuman, etc. Knen Arok. We introduce again to the children or young people that we have the cultural background and a very good and no less than others. Here we make it more unique ideas and creativity high, so that those who play it are not bored, interested and wanted to know more deeply how the history of our country.
The steps in the "Making Games", namely:
1. Story
In a game of games must have melatar story back on the game. Here we are required to make a story of ideas and extraordinary creativity and unique, so that the people who are interested in playing games, like and not get bored with this game of games. So we make another story from the others.
2. Character
In these games in the game there are players characters, then we create a character in accordance with the Story that we make what they kararakter respectively. We make designs in the game whether there is a jump, hitting, kicking, etc..
3. Background
In the game we have to make a background for the background according to the Story game that has been made. And we made our original crate somewhere.
4. Back Sound
In the game of course there's games backsound / sound, it was made to support a game becomes better. Suppose there is a scene or fight the move will be noises that indicated that, so the game became more cool and nice.
5. Coding
After all these steps are made of course we should include coding, because the coding is useful to how these games in a move, move, kicking, hitting, jumping, etc.. If we are one of few to make coding the game failed and could not run. By karea it makes coding task in making a game of games is very heavy and difficult, if not an expert make.
The benefits of making games from the entrepreneur's point of view:
1. We become more creative to make a game of different games from the others and liked by all circles
2. Become more tau with historical / cultural background of our culture is unique in the past (Introducing the younger generation that our culture is not abandoned, and our history is remembered)
3. Always think positive proceed to produce a satisfactory game
4. Felt more challenged again to make more unique games and can generate opportunities, or if you fail to make our games more challenged to load a different from the others.
5. When making a games succeed because of hard work, patience, creative, patient, tenacious and never attacked us an opportunity to generate significant business and make us proud of the results can be.
Mid-Test "Telematics Entrepreneurship"
Name : Cynthia Dewi
NIM : 064.07.019
Entrepreneurship is a way to open up employment without dependence with others, capitalize ideas and high motivation and unyielding spirit. An entrepreneur must be good at seeing opportunities and innovation and creativity needed to support it. An entrepreneur with experience of any activity done. an entrepreneur is a leader, decision maker and is ready to accept any risk of the decision. higher effort to maintain what an entrepreneur who wants to do the higher the price to be paid for his efforts. As an entrepreneur, one of the alternatives that can be done is to make the Games as the current favorite Games by all circles and has a high selling value.
In making the games this time, we as a team to enter the 702 class cultural elements of Indonesia as an Indonesian cultural preservation efforts in the field of information technology. Indonesian cultural one that we display on the games this time comes from the people with the title story "Si Pitung".
As for the stages of making games at this time are:
1. Observation: The observation was conducted to determine the target who will be consumers.
2. Theme: the theme of this games is an educational games that unite the elements of Indonesian culture in the games.
3. Stories: Story in a very important games to The Game more interesting. This games story is a folktale "The Pitung". The story as below:
Background Story
Pitung is one of the warriors came from Indonesia-village betawi belong Slough West Jakarta. His father and His mother Bang Piun Mpok left the Pitung Pinah to learn the Koran and learn Arabic and learn martial arts to the Hajj Naipin. Because he can not bear to see the peoples who are poor, so he intended to rob and plunder treasures and Taukee Landlord (the real treasures are owned by the people belong swamp) which will then be distributed to poor people who need them. Activity gradually robs known by the landlords and their Taukee and then seized my father and mother Pitung. Also Pitung like to defend the truth and of all his opponents Pitung always superior. Pitung meluar movement and eventually the Dutch Company which then held the power in the land of Indonesia take action against the Pitung. Dutch police leaders deploy troops to arrest the Pitung, but many times these attacks did not produce anything. Pitung always qualify and are not easily captured by Dutch troops, because he has knowledge immune from sharp weapons and firearms. Dutch Company had not lost his mind, the leader of the Dutch troops eventually find the teachers are Haji Naipin Pitung which will then be held hostage.
The Pitung, hero of the swamp belong betawi pity to see the situation of the people belong swamp the very poor. Therefore, the pitung with two friends, Rais and JII has plans to seize the property of Landlord and the famous Taukee very rich. This booty will be distributed to the poor people who need them.
The core story :
Level One: Resistance between the Pitung with Taukee at night to free the father of the hostages and seizing the property of the people taken by Taukee.
Level Two: Resistance between the Pitung with Landlord in the evening to free the mother of the hostages and seizing the property of the people who steal by Landlord.
Level Three: Perlawana between the Pitung the Dutch Company in the day to release the Hajj Naipin teacher.
4. Characters: the characters in these games consist of:
-Pitung, Rais, JII: Stud, defender of truth, magic,
-Bang Piun: Babeh Pitung
-Mpok Pinah: Enyak Pitung
-Haji Naipin: Teacher Koran and martial arts, sholeh, pious
-Taukee, Landlord, Netherlands Company: Enemy pitung, cruel, sadistic, heart, evil, put on, tengil
-Hitman: the enemy's men.
Making the characters must be as attractive as possible to attract players created with the software games.can use software for animated picture like coreldraw, photoshop, etc.
5. Background: background on the games it refers to a situation Betawi Tempo Dulu. one of them is the Old City and the House of Betawi.
6. Backsounds: backsound the games are taken from typical songs Batavia area, as in the songs of Benjamin S.
7. makes coding: coding and supporting applications (software maker games, such as macromedia flash, adobe flash etc. ..) Must not exist because if it is nothing games will not run.
The making of this game-based Macromedia Flash.
As an entrepreneur must be able to see the opportunity to use the games as an alternative to innovate and berkreatifitas, because games have a higher selling price and thus profit can integrate elements of Indonesian culture to the games in the effort to preserve the culture of Indonesia. expected audience of this game can see the value more than making educational games that incorporate elements of Indonesian culture and can instill love of the country against domestic products.
MID TEST "Telematics Entrepreneurship"
NIM : 064.07.038
Entrepreneur is someone who dared to take risks or decisions and courageous in taking responsible decisions. entrepreneurship is also a person who can take advantage of business opportunities in order to proceed smoothly in accordance with such a desire by using existing technologies such as websites or blogs. entrepreneurs also have to be creative and create a new innovation that can be accepted by the public.
example of something made by an entrepreneur is to make a game. in making a game needs to process that must be done
There are several things to do in making games, namely:
1. Creating a theme from that game.
theme with the same content and the game should be consistent.
2. Making stories
story in a game should be interesting for many consumers who are interested in games that we make.
3. adjust the sound in games.
sound effects released on a game that we make must be made as attractive as possible. so that users can feel the sound effects generated
4. manufacturing background
background of a game should be in accordance with the theme of games that we make. latarbelankangnya be interesting and varied, so users do not get bored of playing.
5. Making coding
in making a game. people who can make coding is very important because that person makes a coding so it can run games that can be used.
in making a game. if made in a group is required a good cooperation and mutual responsibility for each task. so the game can be successful and succeed in the desired way so that the results did not disappoint all parties.
the benefits of making these games are:
we can be responsible for games that we make, and we can get a very important experience in entrepreneurship. we also know what mistakes to be made faults or excesses. if there are shortcomings we can know and can indirectly learn from mistakes.
Mid-Test "Telematics Entrepreneurship"
Name : Nur Trismi Auliah
NIM : 064.07.044
Entrepreneurs are people who have innovative and creative to start things new. An entrepreneur has sufficient capital to form a new land a job that can be useful to people nearby. An entrepreneur will never cease to try and think to try anything new, knowing the needs of the market or the current trend and eventually gave birth to a job that can benefit himself and the crowd. Influential telematics developments in the field of entrepreneurship, the more advanced telematics also advancing entrepreneurship.
As an entrepreneur, one of the alternatives that can be done is to make the Games as the current favorite Games by all circles and has a high selling value.
In making the games this time, we as a team to enter the "class 702" cultural elements of Indonesia as an Indonesian cultural preservation efforts in the field of information technology. Indonesian cultural one that we display on the games this time comes from the people with the title story "Si Pitung".
As for the stages of making games at this time are:
1.Observation: The observation was conducted to determine the target who will be consumers.
2. Determining the theme: the theme of this games is an educational games that unite the elements of Indonesian culture in the games.
3. Determining Stories: Story in a very important games to The Game more interesting. This games story is a folktale "The Pitung". The story as below:
Background Story
Pitung is one of the warriors came from Indonesia-village betawi belong Slough West Jakarta. His father and His mother Bang Piun Mpok left the Pitung Pinah to learn the Koran and learn Arabic and learn martial arts to the Hajj Naipin. Because he can not bear to see the peoples who are poor, so he intended to rob and plunder treasures and Taukee Landlord (the real treasures are owned by the people belong swamp) which will then be distributed to poor people who need them. Activity gradually robs known by the landlords and their Taukee and then seized my father and mother Pitung. Also Pitung like to defend the truth and of all his opponents Pitung always superior. Pitung meluar movement and eventually the Dutch Company which then held the power in the land of Indonesia take action against the Pitung. Dutch police leaders deploy troops to arrest the Pitung, but many times these attacks did not produce anything. Pitung always qualify and are not easily captured by Dutch troops, because he has knowledge immune from sharp weapons and firearms. Dutch Company had not lost his mind, the leader of the Dutch troops eventually find the teachers are Haji Naipin Pitung which will then be held hostage.
The Pitung, hero of the swamp belong betawi pity to see the situation of the people belong swamp the very poor. Therefore, the pitung with two friends, Rais and JII has plans to seize the property of Landlord and the famous Taukee very rich. This booty will be distributed to the poor people who need them.
The core story:
Level One: Resistance between the Pitung with Taukee at night to free the father of the hostages and seizing the property of the people taken by Taukee.
Level Two: Resistance between the Pitung with Landlord in the evening to free the mother of the hostages and seizing the property of the people who steal by Landlord.
Level Three: Perlawana between the Pitung the Dutch Company in the day to release the Hajj Naipin teacher.
4. Determining the characters = the characters in these games consist of:
- Pitung, Rais, JII: Stud, defender of truth, magic,
- Bang Piun: Babeh Pitung
- Mpok Pinah: Enyak Pitung
- Haji Naipin: Teacher Koran and martial arts, sholeh, pious
- Taukee, Landlord, Netherlands Company: Enemy pitung, cruel, sadistic, heart, evil
- Hitman: the enemy's men.
Making the characters must be as attractive as possible to attract players created with the software games.can use software for animated picture like coreldraw, photoshop, etc.
5. Determining Background: background on the games it refers to a situation "Betawi Tempo Dulu". One of them is the Kota Tua and the House of Betawi.
6. Determining Backsounds: backsound the games are taken from typical songs Batavia area, as in the songs of Benjamin S.
7. Makes coding : coding and supporting applications (software maker games, such as macromedia flash, adobe flash, etc) Must not exist because if it is nothing games will not run.
The making of this game-based Macromedia Flash.
After all stages completed, these games are ready for publication. With these games, we expect as a student "Entrepreneurship Telematics' can open yourself to learn more about how to be a good entrepreneur and as a learning experience for the future. Of these games we also can preserve Indonesian culture in order not recognized by other countries.
Wirausahawan adalah orang yang menjalankan perusahaan atau usaha rintisan sendiri dan mempunyai tanggung jawab atas risiko yang dihadapi kegiatannya tersebut. Usaha tersebut umumnya disebut sebagai wirausaha.
Karakter yang umumnya perlu dimiliki seorang wirausahawan adalah ulet, gigih, pandai, disiplin, pantang menyerah, mempunyai pikiran yang terbuka, cakap menjual, dan haruslah memiliki integritas yang tinggi.
KBBI mendefinisikan wirausahawan sebagai "orang yang pandai atau berbakat mengenali produk baru, menyusun cara baru dalam berproduksi, menyusun operasi untuk pengadaan produk baru, mengatur permodalan operasinya, serta memasarkannya."
Louis Jacques Filion menggambarkan wirausahawan sebagai orang yang imajinatif, yang ditandai dengan kemampuannya dalam menetapkan sasaran serta dapat mencapai sasaran-sasaran itu. Ia juga memiliki kesadaran tinggi untuk menemukan peluang-peluang dan membuat keputusan.
Tidak pernah ada cara mudah membuat game. Hal itu yang mendasari betapa sulitnya membuat game. Berkembang mendekati abad 2000, bermunculan berbagai tools, SDK hingga aplikasi yang membantu pembuatan game. Kita mengenal salah satunya seperti Game Maker, RPG maker, Unreal engine dan lain sebagainya.
Game sendiri bukanlah sebuah alat mainan anak kecil yang tinggal buang apabila selesai main, Game adalah seni. Banyak artikel yang menunjukkan pada cara membuat game dengan teknik ini dan teknik itu. Tetapi jarang yang menjelaskan dengan memakai seni. Kenapa membahas seni pada sesuatu yang tidak serius. Salah satu seni yang secara tak langsung agak menyulitkan adalah Class. Seni di sini bukan selalu menunjuk bagaimana cara dua atau lebih elemen bersatu tetapi juga dari pemrograman itu sendiri.
Manfaat materialnya kita bisa belajar bahasa Inggris, melatih kemampuan motorik, dan kemampuan berpikir. Manfaat spiritualnya adalah berlatih untuk menghadapi masalah dalam hidup kita, lengkap dengan kepekaan, logika, dan problem solvingnya. Jika teman2 belum pernah menghadapai masalah pelik atau complicated, bisa menyiapkan diri dengan bermain game dulu.
Wenny Amelia.K [064.06.005]
meruapakan sikap mental dan jiwa yang selalu aktif atau kreatif berdaya, bercipta, berkarsa dan bersaahaja dalam berusaha dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan dalam kegaitan usahanya atau kiprahnya. Seorang yang memiliki jiwa dan sikap wirausaha selalu tidak puas dengan apa yang telah dicapainya. Dari waktu-ke waktu, hari demi hari, minggu demi minggi selalu mencari peluang untuk meningkatkan usaha dan kehidupannya. Ia selalu berkreasi dan berinovasi tanpa berhenti, karena dengan berkreasi dan berinovasi lah semua peluang dapat diperolehnya. Wirausaha adalah orang yang terampil memanfaatkan peluang dalam mengembangkan usahanya dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kehidupannya.
Pada hakekatnya semua orang adalah wirausaha dalam arti mampu berdiri sendiri dalam emnjalankan usahanya dan pekerjaannya guna mencapai tujuan pribadinya, keluarganya, msaayarakat , bangsa dan negaranya, akan tetapi banyak diantara kita yang tidak berkarya dan berkarsa untuk mencapai prestasi yang lebih baik untuk masa depannya, dan ia menjadi ketergantungan pada orang lain, kelompok lain dan bahkan bangsa dan Negara lainnya. Istilah kewirausahaan, kata dasarnya berasal dari terjemahan entrepreneur, yang dalam bahasa Inggris di kenal dengan between taker atau go between. Pada abad pertengahan istilah entrepreneur digunakan untuk menggambarkan seseorang actor yang memimpin proyek produksi, Konsep wirausaha secara lengkap dikemukakan oleh Josep Schumpeter, yaitu sebagai orang yang mendobrak sistem ekonomi yang ada dengan memperkenalkan barang dan jasa yang baru, dengan menciptakan bentuk organisasi baru atau mengolah bahan baku baru. Orang tersebut melakukan kegiatannya melalui organisasi bisnis yang baru atau pun yang telah ada. Dalam definisi tersebut ditekankan bahwa wirausaha adalah orang yang melihat adanya peluang kemudian menciptakan sebuah organisasi untuk memanfaatkan peluang tersebut. Sedangkan proses kewirausahaan adalah meliputi semua kegiatan fungsi dan tindakan untuk mengejar dan memanfaatkan peluang dengan menciptakan suatu organisasi. Istilah wirausaha dan wiraswasta sering digunakan secara bersamaan, walaupun memiliki substansi yang agak berbeda.
3D Game Studio
Dalam 3D Game Studio terdapat 3 program utama,yaitu:
-MED (Model Editor) – Program yang berfungsi sebagai editor model bagi 3D Game Studio
-SED (Script Editor) – Sebagai pengolah script dalam 3D Game Studio,script standar yang dipakai adalah C-Script dan Lite C.
-WED (Level Editor) – Sebagai pengolah level/area permainan bagi 3D Game Studio.
Itu adalah sedikit dari sekian banyaknya program yang dapat anda gunakan. Masih banyak program-program lainnya yang dapat anda gunakan untuk membuat game.
Dalam membuat game kita harus memahami konsep dari game yang akan kita buat.Tidak mungkin kita membuat game tanpa ada konsep ibarat membabi buta.
Konsep merupakan bagian yang paling penting, sebab disinilah anda menentukan game apa yang anda ingin buat , R.P.G. , Adventure , Action, atau apa?
Setelah pembuatan konsep kita akan mengikuti langkah-langkah selanjutnya , tergantung dari game yang akan dibuat , game 2D sederhana, game 2D besar, game 3d sederhana, atau game 3d besar.
Ratna Thyara
MID Kewirausahaan Telematika
telematics enterpreneurship is a business related to information technology. telematics (telecommunication and information) is used as a media to look for a new business opportunities that are innovative, creative, unique, and to know the market needs, as well as effective media for publication.
the following steps to create a game:
1. create work teams
2. choose a theme the game => adventure, battles, contests, games, etc.
3. choose a story to determine the flow of the game, that has a beginning and end, do not hang or do not have the edge
4. create characters that fit the storyline that has been selected, the character will be icon of this game, because it contains typical game => humans, animation, cartoons, animals, ghosts, or the imagination of game makers
5. choose backgrounds which must be in accordance with the selected theme, this is important because it affects the players in terms of sight
6. choose sound effects, it is also very important because it can affect the feelings of the player, so the game becomes more exciting => anxiety, fear, excitement, dizziness, etc
7. Last is the creation of code, so that computers can understand what is desired by the game makers. This stage is the final stage which is also the most important stage, because if the coding can not be made then all the above stages can not be realized
:: 064.07.018
step-by-step to make a good game :
- Make a good game
2. Give the Characters a Personality
characters that must be given in the game. all the characters and the nature of treatment is up to us to how to make the important interesting.
3. Realize that Girl Gamers Are Not All Alike
Do not just make games for women only, not monotonous. because most men gamers.
4. Create (Physically) Strong Female Characters
There is no reason to keep disadvantaging female characters in video games. Across genres, female characters are consistently weaker than their male counterparts. We are restricted to working around strength and employing other tactics for survival – female characters tend to have more developed magic ability, feminized weapons, healing prowess, or increased agility and speed. Quite often, this leads to male players of video games eschewing female fighting characters outright – and mocking female players who choose to do battle with a character who is obviously inferior.
5. Start preparing now
A study recently by the Canadian-based Media Awareness Network states that 70% of video game players to the system console is male. This means that 30% of gamers are women - and the number continues to grow every day. So, start doing research now.
then be prepared from now to make a game.
thankyouu :)
MID TEST : Telemathics entrepreneurship
Telemathics Entrepreneurship is activity that create new job for other people to join. One of telemathics entrepreneurship is "making a new game". In this project we make a brand new game based on flash player. Our game is special because we use indonesian culture.
As a Programmer in this project, my job is to pack all the data. Including sound,character,background,theme into one program. To make a game we must make a concept. Here is step by step to make a good game:
1. Planning
We must know what game we will make. First we have to decice the theme of game. There are many theme in game, such as : Fighting,Racing,RPG,MMO RPG,RTS,etc. Second we must decide the story. Game without good story will be useless. Last we must decide how long the game can finished, how much money we need, what is our target.
2. Scheduling
If the planning is done then we go to scheduling. In this part we must make the schedule for our project. When it started, when it finished, when to test, when to publish.
3. Implementation
After Scheduling is done now we go to implementation. In this part we start make a game. First we make character, Second we choose the backsound, Third we make the background, Fourth we choose the Sound effect. After all of that we start to pack them all into one program. Last we make the code so the character can move when we press a button or move the mouse, Character placed in the front of background, when character in action some backsound will play or sound effect appear.
4. Testing
In this part we try to play the game that we make. We must search for the bug(error in code) or buffer.
5. Publishing
The game that we make must be published if all of the 4 step is done. We can use CD or internet to publish the game.
6. Maintenance
We must upgrade the game so player will play our game again or other player play our game because we upgrade it.
That's all the step to make a good game. Follow it and your game will popular to user.
Entrepreneur is someone who has the ability and insight to create an employment or business in the field of free be managed. An enterpreneur determine the type and manage their business in manage it.An entrepreneur needs is capital, both financial and in terms of skills / abilities (knowledge ). Selain itu, dibutuhkan juga keberuntungan karena semakin ketatnya persaingan bisnis. Jadi seorang wirausaha harus mengerti kebutuhan pasar yang sedang menjadi trendmark saat ini. In addition, it takes luck as well as more business competition. So an entrepreneur must understand the needs of the market under the current trendmark. Hence the work in obtain it able to compete with others. An entrepreneur must be able to determine the target market to get higher profits. An entrepreneur who has skills in the field of informatics engineering course, using the facilities of information and communication technology in the manufacture of its business. One alternative is capable of making games that appeal to many people.This way of making games are:
1.Observation: the observation was conducted to determine the target who will be consumers.
2.Determining the theme: This theme should be there and very important in creating games for the next stage to facilitate
3.Determining Genre: after determining the theme select genre what to wear like adventure, fighting, shooting, etc.. 4.Determining Stories: Story in games a very important to the game more interesting.
4.Determining Stories: Story in games a very important to the game more interesting.
5.Determining Character: Making the characters must be as attractive as possible to attract players created with the software games.can use software for animated picture like coreldraw, photoshop, etc.
6.Determining background: background customized with themes and story
7.Determining sound effects: sound effects are also customized by theme and story
8.Makes coding: coding and supporting applications (software maker games, such as macromedia flash, adobe flash etc..) Must exist because if it nothing games will not run.
After these stages means that games are made ready to run and presented later marketed. The benefits of making these games is the experience in enterpreneurship, adding that the science we have not seen, and certainly make a profit for an entrepreneur.
Mid Test
Telematics entrepreneurship is someone who has creative ideas for starting a new business which saw a market need and use those opportunities where the use of telecommunications, media and information as a means of developing their business in the form of services or goods to the user.
One of the alternative to become a entrepreneur is by making a game. When making a game it need a team work to make from the concept until the game testing. Game bases on flash is the easy one to make. Our class making a game as one of the alternative to be an entrepreneur. Game that is want to be make in our class is figthing. The job is divide to story, sound, background arena, characters, and code. My job is on code. Before create the code the other job must be finish first. Each job have to make the file in flash document. Code in the game is place on each frame or some of the frame and different layer to make it move or work. In this game there is 5 layer : story layer, sound layer, background layer, and character layer. Each layer can have frame example story layer each stage before fighting. Code is placed on some frame in action script to make it move like what we want. Benefit of making a game from entreprenuer view side is game has a chance to make profit by selling it. Game just need creativities to make it different from the other. Now game industry is the one that have a chance even if there already a lot big company creating good game.
Entrepreneurship is new innovative and creative ideas to invent new business.An entrepreneur is a job to put ourselves as a leader and decision makers.
therefore one of the profitable business to run is making "games".
within the game has some division of tasks, which determine the theme & the desired type of game, determines the plot, background, backsound, character, coding,choosing software and the most important is the marketing for these games.
in making the game also needed cooperation and solidarity between the parties and the other one.
benefits of this game are advantageous in terms of finances and cause of satisfaction and pride for being able to produce something entertaining and loved by many people.
Mid Test : Telematics Entrepreneurship Course
to take benefit for a successful life
Lots of opportunities in entrepreneurship for example be "Game Developer"
Step by step to create a fun games to attract peoples :
1. Thinking about games market
U must know about people needed to games. About genre,etc. Or you may take a look famous games type know
what market want
2. Thinking about games idea
Idea to makes game. you must have an interesting idea if you want your own games be famous.
Be a trendsetter :)
Step By Step for making games :
1. Prepare for making games
if you have got an idea to making games. So,u must prepare hardware,software,and human resources.
2. Look at hardware requirement
Hardware requirement is very important things and very influence game making performance also progress too.
In this case i wanna using macromedia flash MX for making flash games. Medium specification can run this developer
3. Look at software requirement
If using Macromedia Flash must be installed flash player too for run games in computer and Macromedia Flash MX
and don't forget software for editing picture like Photoshop,CorelDraw,etc.
4. Human Resources
Very - very important things!!! Remembered it. Games is not simple things. People involved in making games
must be creative and love games too for maximum result. People who involved in making games consists of
coder,animator,designer,storyline,and marketing.
5. Using picture editing software
Select picture editing you want to make some animated pictures and convert the result in .jpeg and .gif format.
6. Using Macromedia Flash MX
If the create pictures was done and now you open macromedia flash mx. Create actionscript code for making games.
7. Animated Pictures
copy your picture and paste to actionscript page 1 for the first character do you want to play with you.
copy all and grouping character. Convert to .fla
8. Background
Finish making character and now you must add background to character you convert with .fla After that you convert
to .fla again.
9. Music
Finish Background and you must add Music and save to .fla again.
10. Script Code
After finish all and now u must add script code to each character to make it move like you want :)
11. Implementation
After all you must try that and let the tester to play your games.
12. Finishing
In this step your own games be perfect and ready to sale.
Advantage be entrepreneur in "Games Developer" field
1. you have so much profit if your games according to market demands
2. games is very expensive so fast to take more profit
3. you don't have to work like an employee and enjoyed your time :p
4. can be more growth and be a lifetime effort
5. Enjoyed passive income for license
Name : Fachry Riyanto (064.06.012)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Mid Test Kewirausahaan Telematika By: BISMAR GAZALI (06509104)
Entrepreneurs do not only depend on the size of company, but depends on the ability to successfully create and sustain a growing business with creativity, innovation, hard work and inspiration. "The criteria also required that includes personality and to the principles of integrity, trying to build advanced culture in the organization, and left a valuable legacy for the community.
To be a successful entrepreneur and strong through innovation, you must apply the following:
1. An entrepreneur must be able to be creative think, which boldly out of the frame of an existing business. To produce something better.
2. An entrepreneur must also be able to read the development of the business world. For example, is currently widespread use of information technology in the business world.
3. An entrepreneur must be able to show more value than the product it has, so consumers do not feel the product being offered is too expensive.
4. An entrepreneur needs to foster a teamwork, leadership attitude, togetherness and building a good relationship with employees.
5. An entrepreneur must be able to build good personal approach with their surroundings and do not get complacent with what has been achieved.
6. An entrepreneur should always upgrade the knowledge he has to improve business results run. This can be taken by way of reading the books, articles, internet, or ask the experts.
7. Finally and most importantly, an entrepreneur must be able to respond to future challenges and be able to run management concepts and information technology. It aims to study any business situation or business a fast growing and changing very fast. Therefore the need for a high power of creativity, good analytical, sharp intuition, networking abilities that support, and proven strategies in marketing products or services they have.
The steps to make the game, here are the steps you have to do in making the game an outline:
1. Determine theme game
You specify the theme that you'll use to create games such as new year, valentine, Halloween, christmas, education, winter, summer, etc.
2. Select type game
Select the type you would use for example: Actions, Sports, Adventure, Puzzle, Shooting, Strategy, Card, RPG, etc. If you know what kind of liked the sponsor, then you will be more helpful in choosing their genre.
3. Select graphics
"Seen a way, eat taste" Because graphic regarded as the game play graphics wisely choose to use realistic, semi realistic, or cartoon.
4. Select software
Select the software you want to use Macromedia Flash MX (Actionscript 1), Macromedia Flash MX 2004 (Actionscript 2), Macromedia Flash 8 (Actionscript 2), Adobe Flash CS3 (Actionscript 3) or Adobe Flash CS4 (Actionscript 3) depend on your ability. If everything you can, choose one that you think is made easy and produces good game
5. Find music and sound effects
Without music and game sound effects will be felt less alive when played. You must not enter the music and sound effects that will make your game become more ugly. Find music and sound effects really suitable for your game
No. 1-5 can you do in a back and forth. Want to find new music for the theme once or Select the graphic genre continues specify. You decide which one would you want to select first. Choose which you think is easy.
6. Start making games
Once you determine the number 5 above, now is the time you make a game for using the application code that the program has been designed.
7. Test game
After the game for completion, test first. Is there an error or not in the game.
8. Search Sponsor
When finished making the game, it's time for a sponsor. In seeking sponsors better tailored to the game for, if the game for good is quite complex and can sponsored to the web sponsor such famous reply:
After getting the start next sponsor to determine the price, the better the game, the higher the price, decide what your game prices according to what I had you make, for gaming price a good game.
9. Publications
Introduce games that have been completed to the customer. After the game for paid, time doing publicity game, should publish the first game is on the first sponsor (usually published by the sponsor himself, but there are some sponsors beseeching us to publish our game), after a few days, just submit it to several other websites as:
5.And others.
It's important to get input from a variety of opinions on a variety of gamers and websites for our popularize game.
Once published, then usually there will be input from the gamers, they will also provide true-to score with their tastes, if it is popular enough you can make a sequel, but the sequel should be made cautiously, lest the quality decreases, due to be dropped our own name.
Some advantages of the Game:
1. Increasing reactivity
After a while playing video games, I could clearly see that my time to respond to more and more quickly. You have to start with games that easy then increase the difficulty to build the power of your mind.
2. Intelligence
For any type of game, you have to think. There are no games where you just "play." All this requires thought. Often you will be required to think logically in order to play well. Whether in war games, and games using the board, you should think about your steps to the front. If you throw a grenade in here, what will people do? they? Where should you estimate their position?
3. Fun
Who would not like to have fun. Everyone can find little pleasure in a way to blow up several tanks or defeat the evil cat in the hat. Always fun to dive into the world of fantasy, ignoring the reality for some time, and just enjoy yourself and the game was.
Posting By :
BISMAR GAZALI (06509104)
R I K A (064.08.002)
Sir Reginald Myles Ansett KBE
Seizing the time
Reginald Myles Ansett, a person who liked machinery, aircraft and flying. He was born in northern Victoria in 1909. He become an apprentice mechanic in his father factory in Melbourne, when he was 14. He became a civil pilot in 1929. He use his pocket money £50, which is he got from his work at the northern territory, he buyed a car and offered a taxis or buses service. R.M Ansett open a maintenance workshop in Hamilton. In 1935, his business grew and he operating of private buses or taxis between Melbourne and Ballarat. He take off his pilot lisence and began an air service between Hamilton and Essedon. His business grew better and better. A war forced Ansett a sudden change. Ansett’s routes were either closed or transferred to other operators to conserve fuel and manpower, and his facilities at Essedon were pressed into service to maintain and repair military aircraft. After the war ended, R.M Ansett gained world class airframe, engine, and instrument maintance and testing facilities, but no aircraft and no route licences. In years following his capture of ANA (Australian National Airways), in 1950s, Ansett buyed Butler Airlines in a fiercely takeover in 1958. In 1969, he continued to buy up regional airlines. He was promoted as the non-voting Chariman. For over sixty years, he originally only brought £50, to grown such a successful business
By a window of opportunity, an entrepreneurial concept an succeed. Two factors in the entrepreneurial concept are not independent. Both got to work together. First, an entrepreneur must have the capability to access an appropriate level of technology and second, a market must have the capability to absorb a sufficient quantity of a product. Inventions are not always an innovation. Which is mean, in fact, something you’ve been made doesn’t mean people going to like it and spend their money on it. So, intrepreneurs suppose to understand the things that they’ll invent must be an enough innovative idea to persuade people to spend their money on it.
Telematics Entrepreneur Mid Test
Making business background of this game is the number of fans of the game itself. The game is a means of entertainment to eliminate fatigue because of our activities everyday.
Preparatory steps Game:
1. Choosing Theme Game
You need to take into account what the game will be favored by many people and we must be careful thought about the concept & theme of the game itself because it creates the basic game.
The decision to create a game:
a) Could be more than nine months with an average of three hours per week to process.
b) Can be delivered on the platform with a cheap tool.
c) The game is a game I would enjoy playing.
2. Plan Time
Like most people, I have a very limited time.
I took the time to search the Internet material that supports my project.
3. Planning Game
I write game specifications and make sure I keep the feature set a bit.
4. Bulid It!
This is the hardest part of making a game.
One thing you need to understand is to do 2 or 3 hours a week is better than doing nothing.
Within 3 weeks, you have to do more than one full working day.
5. Advanced Job
I had to introduce this game to the public.
I built a website to sell my game project, using Microsoft FrontPage, host and one of the social networking sites on the Internet.
Benefits to the game:
Adding business experience. & Generate profits from sales of this game.
Yudi Rachmat
Initial steps to manufacture a game are:
- First, we must at least have the basic knowlegde of making games from computer. Like the software we're going to use, variety functions and etc.
- Every games have it own story. And in this part we have to make the story. Background, theme, sounds efect, character and the atributes.
- With work team, we'll finish the game.
- Last part, we must publish the game.
By making games, the external advantages are to entertain people and to open a work opportunities for other people. The internal advantages are to make my own work field and to have my own income.
The term entrepreneur was first introduced in the early 18th century by a French economist, Richard Cantillon. According to him, the entrepreneur is the "agent who buys means of production at certain prices in order to combine them". In a time not too long, another French economist, Jean Baptista Say Cantillon add definition to the concept of the entrepreneur as a leader. He stated that the entrepreneur is someone who brings people together to build a productive organs.
Entrepreneurial General is a person who freely and have the ability to live independently in carrying out their business activities or business or life. He is free to design, specify managing, controlling all his efforts. While entrepreneurship is an attitude, spirit and ability to create something new which is very valuable and useful to themselves and others. Entrepreneurship is a mental attitude and spirit that is always active or creative power, creating, berkarsa and humble in trying in order to increase revenues in their business activities or their work. A person who has an entrepreneurial spirit and attitude are not always satisfied with what he had accomplished. From time to time, day after day, week after minggi always looking for opportunities to improve business and life. He was always creative and innovate without stopping, because the creative and innovation is all the opportunities can be obtained. Entrepreneurs are skilled people who take advantage of opportunities in developing their business in order to improve the life ..
Lots of opportunities in entrepreneurship for example making Games, why Games? Undeniably game business is a lucrative business, because everyone would know the games. But before you entrepreneurship in the manufacture of games you need to know first, the conditions making games so successful:
-Have a basic knowledge of using computers.
The functions in the computer such as how to save data, delete data, copy data, etc..
-Have knowledge of a variety of supporting software and functions.
This is one of the things that should be mastered, to know the software and functions, such as "Adobe Photoshop" which serves to create / edit images, and much more.
-Have knowledge of various file formats.
In Making games must have the knowledge to recognize the formats of the file. When mastered this, the automatic would be easy to understand the other processes.
-Having a talent / talents in the arts, especially
Game is a container that holds a variety of good art is art, music, art of writing (in terms of story) and the art of motion. So very good if you have the talent in the arts. But for those of you who do not have the talent in this field need not be discouraged, because it does not mean you can not make a game, but you can actively practice to hone your skills such as painting, or you can using pictures or music creations of others to be material for your games, only the results will not be original.
-Having a sharp logic
In a game, you will be dealing with the use of scripts (programs) to adjust the controls on the characters, enemies, and others.
If you have a good logic arithmetic with considerable skill, you will not get lost in the programming.
-Has a motivation
This is a very important thing, in a game.
Many of the game creator who stop making games because it was bored and lazy to continue the project, things like this will not happen if you have a high motivation to create something that you want.
The following steps outlined in the Making Game. Among them:
A. Search:
Search and make sure what kind of game that many want / demand by consumers. This is something that must be done so that in making the game can provide motivation for us and others.
B. Determine Theme Game:
Determining the game theme, such as: Education, traditional, valentine ato other themes that are considered attractive. In determining the theme should be based on entrepreneurial instincts in the marketing game to be on maximizing.
C. Select a genre game:
Select a genre which would you use for example: Actions, Sports, Adventure, Puzzle, Shooting, etc..
D. Specify the story:
Create your storyline games unusual (unique). Lovers of games so excited.
E. Determine the challenge:
Create challenges and levels, where the higher the level the higher the challenge. Innovations also create an interesting challenge.
F. Creating Characters:
Create a unique character and interesting as possible, so as to attract the attention of the consumer.
G. Select Graphic:
Choosing a graphics / design (shape, background and color) of interest and in accordance with the theme.
H. Options Exchange:
Create interesting effects in every activity that is done by the characters.
I. Fiture:
Create features associated. And with a unique shape. In order to maximize the making of the game
J. Choosing Software:
Choosing software that effectively and efficiently (can easily be used and can produce a good game yg) according to the capability / expertise you. example: Macromedia Flash MX (Actionscript 1), Macromedia Flash MX 2004 (Actionscript 2), Macromedia Flash 8 (Actionscript 2), Adobe Flash CS3 (Actionscript 3) or Adobe Flash CS4 (Actionscript 3).
K. Finding Music and Sound Effects:
Select music and sound interesting and effek accordance with the themes / characters. Strive choose the sound makes the game more interesting.
L. Creating Game started:
After doing the step-step above, then do the implementation / application of game creation.
M. Correction pembuatn back in games:
Before you publish your game made, correction / to correct what if there are deficiencies in your games and make sure that the game has been corrected and can run smoothly.
N. Publish:
After the make sure that the game has been running smoothly, then they will publish games.
Advantages and benefits in making or in the Game pembuatn entrepreneurship, including:
1.give entertainment to consumers.
2.train sensitivity, practice problem solving, logical thinking and creative, and the most influential is indirectly we learn English.
3.Game build interactivity with the brand players. Brand of emotional closeness with the players.
4.Give own innovations for the majority of the people
5.many new innovation from the game.
6.many profit opportunities of making games