Tuesday, April 21, 2009

UTS Endah Ardini

Name : Endah Ardini
NIM : 06403070

Mata Hati foundation is a foundation that move on the social major for help those “street child”. Mata Hati foundation has a plan to donate a art building especially for the music things with the maintenance cost for a long term. That foundation decide to put their charity money into bank that offer a 12 % of interest a year. Maintenance cost for the building is 4 million a year and every 10 year has to repair with the repairing cost of 20 million each. If the saving money for the maintenance cost are 150 million, what the maximum cost of build the building then they have enough money for the maintenance forever time?

Knowing :

CC = 150 million
i = 12 %
A = 4 million + 20 million (A/F,12%,10)
= 4 million + { 20 million (0,05698)}
= 5,139,600 million

What been asking was the build cost (first investment = P) are ???

CC = P + A/i
P = CC – A/i
= 150 million – ( 5,139,600 / 0,12 )
= 150 million – 42,830 million
= 107,170 million

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