Class of 601 consist of active and bright students from Information Engineering Faculty who join Information Economic subject, they are Fenno Steginga as Head of the class, Fadilah Oky, Haris Abidin, Sandy Kurniawan, Cynthia Dewi, Dwi Indah, Oktarina Maharani, Dinda Maharani A Loebis, Nizar Hadi, Alqhadafi, Yuli Eko Purwanto, Adhitya Setiadi, Dany, M Gama Iffahindra, Andhika Wijanarko, Sinarino Wicaksono, Surya Halim.
Information Economic subject is a part of Micro Economic, a studies how information affects an economy and economic decission. The aim of this subject for the students, they are willing to include this topic in the curriculum to be implemented as an actual and real, the study shows that a deep learning strategy to be implemented both in economic or information side. The teaching method by using active learning courage and dig potential know-how of each students. Team work is the key to solve the study cases from the exam were given. Visiting study and visiting Professional Person in Industrial Engineering and Information also provided to rich the knowledge for students.
We hope the students can absorb, grab and implement the Information Economic knowledge with the aim to be use for them in the future.
Anna Tohir, BSc, M.Eng, DBA (cand)
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