Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Final Test Dwi Indah Fitriyanti (06407038)

Product Trade Domestic Vs Foreign Affairs


When the market abroad is not expected again, the domestic market have been serious indeed. And must be acknowledged that India that has more than 200 million people, is a highly potential market.
Actual movement "Love Products Indonesia" has been long since dikampanyekan. And not long, the Minister of Trade Mari Elka Pangestu raise the issue again. Let mengimbau the housewife to active campaigning for the issue of love products from India each family. Mothers are expected to get their children to love using the product in the country, ranging from food, clothing, and other purposes.
Thus, it is hoped will stimulate demand for products in the country so that it encourages economic growth. In addition, the threat of termination of employment (PHK) due to the global crisis can also be pressed.


Love the product so that the government in the country, is a positive stimulus. Moreover, in the midst of a global crisis at this time, in countries where export demand is significantly reduced.
Obligation is already campaigning for the government to issue "a product of love Indonesia." Encouraging business (retail) to sell more products in the country. Similarly to the consumers that prefer products made in the country.
However, until the appeal is not only pure jargon. Do not up to public officials, who should be role models, would prefer to use the famous brand products from abroad. How can people love the product told their own country?
Similarly, the entrepreneurs, especially the leaders of business associations, should use the product in the country. If they do not use the product in the country, the same product they do not love buatannya own. How can they ask people put the product in the country?
In addition, government and business associations, should apply the product standardization. Before the products in the country dilego to the market, must meet certain quality standards, the withdrawal for the product exported. This respect the new name of one brother.
That is, they must give the value of / for the same award brother countryman setanah water with potential customers abroad. Do not mentang-mentang to local needs, then pooh-pooh a matter of quality. As though the quality of hand to mouth is enough to local consumers. This is a very big mistake.
Especially in the era of the free market at this time. Products from various parts of the world overwhelm our country. Provide more choices for consumers. Moreover, foreign products are able to offer good quality products, innovative, and cheap (can compete). Reasonable only if the consumer in the country and then select the imported products. Who's wrong?
If so, do not consider the consumers in the country seems to "sinners" because the product does not love the nation of children. Because consumers in the country are also entitled to determine the choice and of course would not be injured by buying low quality products.

Product Trade Domestic

Lately India and the global crisis, the impact on the decline in sales in the company Indonesia.Perusahaan-crisis to happen to the many PHK.Apalagi nowadays many people crazy to use the product overseas rather than domestic products in the quality sometimes far better than the product import.Padahal product price in the country is far more "italic" rather than product import.Tapi why still many people who prefer foreign products?

Government policy campaigning Program Product I Love Brazil supported seriously feasible. If done with the serious and successful, the movement will not only help the economy this country, but can also align the people who thought during this crooked.
It is, difficult denied when it is said that the number of people in Indonesia are more proud and confident (confident) use goods abroad, it is very much. They feel out of class when the items attached to the body are made goods in the country.
Perception is that such mengurat meat. It is the symbol of the bourgeois lifestyle. Because of this, so someone experienced economic improvement, the one that is made to replace equipment that belongs to the goods abroad. The big money to be spent, the greater the prestige that dinikmatinya.

Even a group of people often lose the logic sehatnya. They always close the eyes with the products in the country, despite the quality of not less ditawarkannya with foreign goods.
This phenomenon eventually triggering the birth of a legal path''fraud''. Goods products in the country are first transported to foreign countries and then to enter it again to Indonesia with a label overseas. Price can also some times of the operation. In this context, many of the losses experienced by this nation. Meanwhile, the benefits of direngkuh and enjoy other people.
So, if''''sklent it will continue to be left? Of course not. Mentality as a nation we must be second-class erased. Logic people should be straightened as soon as possible. They must be freed from the fetters that prestige is often irrational. Of course it is not easy matter. That's the lifestyle community. Therefore, a resistance that can be done is to make a cultural movement that must be consciously dikampanyekan, effective, patient, ongoing, and by all parties. The role of government and the elite is needed in the movement.
Therefore, it is in the effort to be pitied when campaigning Program I love this product Indonesia colored cross between the statement the Minister of Trade Mari Elka Pengestu and Industry Minister Fahmi Idris matter-need not issued SKB (decree together), which requires that civil servants wear products in the country.
Differences statement that should not need to happen. Because, in fact, successful case movement is not located in a SKB case. More success is determined by the pattern and seriousness of those involved in the campaign.
True said the Minister of Trade, without any required, the majority of civil servants will be using the goods in the country. For, the strength of their economy is not reaching goods abroad that is identical to the expensive price.
But, that does not mean the Minister of Industry wrong. The desire to create dimaknai from SKB have a passion for doing penyadaran. For, if want honest, civil servants, not the product abroad, not because the majority is driven by awareness, but because of incompetence. Thus, the most important now is not the debate should SKB case. But, how do we collectively re-align perception had already hooked it.
Benefits of trade Domestic Product:
• to supply the people when so many people who purchase products in the country. For example, such as employees / working in the factories manufacturing clothes / shirts / and others which is the product of a factory in the country.
• Business Economics India's growing product.
• Can open the field of work more so that it can to help the unemployed who do not have a job.
• Indirectly can meperkenalkan products in the country to many people.

International trade products

International trade is a trade made by the population of a country with other countries on the basis of an agreement. People can be referred to antarperorangan (individuals with individuals), between individuals and the government of a country or government of a country with a government other countries.
According to Amir MS, when compared with the implementation of trade in the country, the international trade is very complicated and complex. Complexity is caused by the following.
• Buyer and seller separated by boundaries statesman
• Barang and must be sent from a country other kenegara through various regulations such as perbedaaan, who come from the restrictions issued by the respective governments.
• Between one country to other countries there are differences in language, currency, and the estimated weight, the law in trade and so forth.

Benefits of international trade Product:
According Sadono Sukirno, the benefits of international trade is as follows.
• Getting the goods can not be produced in the country itself
Many factors affect the differences in the production of each country. These factors are: Conditions geography, climate, level control Iptek and others. With international trade, each country can meet the needs that are not produced themselves.
• Obtaining the benefits of specialization
For the main activity is foreign trade for the benefit realized by a specialist. While a country can produce goods of the same type with that produced by other countries, but sometimes better when the country is importing goods from abroad.
For example:
United States and Japan have the ability to produce cloth. However, Japan can produce more with efesien from the United States. In circumstances like this, to enhance efficiency of production factors, the United States needs to reduce production kainnya and imported goods from Japan.

With a specialization and trade, each country can gain the following
* The factors of production owned by each country can be used with more efesien.
* Each country can enjoy more of the goods can be produced in the country.
• Extending the market and increase profits
Sometimes, the employers do not run the engine-engines (production equipment) to the maximum because they fear there will be a surplus of production, resulting in decrease in their prices. With international trade, the engine can run-up to the engines, and sell surplus products abroad.
• Transfer technology, modern
Foreign trade allows a country to learn production techniques and a more efesien ways a more modern management.

The force product in the International Trade of Home Affairs:
Many factors that motivate a country to international trade in a country, including the following:
• To meet the needs of goods and services in the country
• The benefits and increase income countries
• The ability to control the difference between science and technology culture in economic resources
• There is a surplus product in the country so need a new market to sell the product.
• There is a difference in circumstances such as natural resources, climate, labor, culture, and the population of the cause of differences in production and the limited production.
• There is a similarity in taste to the goods.
• The desire to open cooperation, political relations and support from other countries.
The occurrence of the globalization era, so not a single country in the world can live alone.


So, Domestic Product does not lose it with the product outside. Production in the country have recognized the quality, even from the after sales is considered better, for that, so that consumers do not hesitate to use the innovation nation's children, but many people who have ideas and are unique in making a good item so that it can create a product good, which is the characteristic of quality and also does not get far with the preparation of Foreign Products. So it can compete in the extent internasinal However, our society still have a sense of lack of awareness of the products in the country. Many diversity so that our country is in akui by other countries. Contonya batik is already akui d by other countries.


Create a web or blog that data is used to promote products in negeri.sehingga products in the country can further develop and add more advanced. The government should emphasize more on policy yag was created in order to face the problems that can be reduced from the previous one.

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