Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Final Test Dinda Maharani (064.07.041)

Use of E-Commerce in the World Business

The development of information technology which is very dramatic in the last few years have brought the transformational impact on several aspects of life, including in the business world. After passing the era of 'total quality' and 'reengineering', now is time 'electronic era' The growth is marked with the terms eBusiness, e-economy, e-university, e-government, e-entertainment, eservice, and many more terms similar.

One concept that is considered a new business paradigm is the e-business, or also known by the term e-commerce as a field of study that is still relatively new and will continue to grow, e-business major impact on business practices, at least in the case of direct marketing improvement, transformation organization, and redefinisi organization. This business model emphasizes the exchange of information and business transactions are paperless, through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), E-mail, electronic bulletin boards, electronic fund transfer, and other technology that is also based network. Popularity of e-business at the end of the 20th century and early in the new millennium are triggered by three main factors, namely (1) economic and market factors, among which the more intensive competition, global economy, regional trade agreements, and power consumers that the large increase , (2) social and environmental factors, such as changes in labor force characteristics, government deregulation, awareness and demand akan practical ethical, awareness akan practical and ethical demands, will awareness of corporate social responsibility, and political changes, and (3) technological factors, include the age of short product life cycles and technology innovations that appear almost every time, information overload, and reduced the ratio of cost to performance technology.

Problem formulation
There is a development of technology that's growing, changing forms of marketing, sale and purchase transactions and the provision of information between business partners who initially can not be done on-line (using the internet media), this can be done on-line. Of phenomena that occur in the problems that can be raised are: How important the use of e-commerce, the opportunities and challenges in e-commerce business, which must be observed in the use of e-commerce.
Perspective and Development of E-Commerce
The term e-business are closely tied to e-commerce. For some people, the term e-commerce is defined narrowly as the sale and purchase transactions of products, services and information between business partners over computer networks, including the Internet. While e-business refers to a broader scope and includes customer service, collaboration with business partners, and internal electronic transactions in an organization, however, the term e-commerce can actually defined based on the perspective of 5 (Phan, 1998; see Table 2 ): (1) on-line purchasing perspective, (2) digital communications perspective, (3) service perspective; (4) business process perspective, and (5) marketof-one perspective. Thus, in fact in a wide range of e-commerce can be equivalent or equal to eBusiness (Turban, et al., 2000)
Opportunities and Challenges E-Commerce
Impact on the development of the Internet changes how the organization design, process, produce, market, and deliver products. The scope of the competition also requires wide integration and coordination between the departments of information systems, marketing, customer service, and other departments in the organization. Diverse opportunities for the internet which can be exploited include:
* Source for new market information
* Individualized / customized marketing
How to establish new relationships with online customers and build brand image (interactive marketing);
* Opportunities new products for distribution and marketing communications;
* And others.
The process of delivery (delivery) of digital products via the Internet is estimated to designate the flare in different business sectors, especially for software programs, newspapers, music CDs, plane tickets, securities, services, consulting, entertainment, banking, insurance, education, and treatment health care (Andersen & Vincze, 2000).
Although there are many resources hornet e-business (especially the internet-based), there are a number of challenges or limitations that must be overcome. A survey conducted by InternetWeek magazine in 1998 reveals a number of non-technical factors that hinder the development of e-business. These factors include: cost and justifikasinya (34.8% of respondents); security and privacy (17.2%), lack of trust and the presence of the resistance (4.4%); and other factors such as not bakunya standards and government regulations, the dynamics of e-business as a new field of study, support services are still limited, is still a limited number of sellers and buyers, the potential disruption to the inter-personal relations, and internet access is still limited and relatively expensive for many potential customers.

Impact of e-Commerce on Business Practices
In the first category, e-commerce impact on the accelerated growth of direct marketing which is traditionally based mail order (catalog) and telemarketing. Occurrence of the e-commerce to provide some positive impact for marketing activities, including:
* Easy promotional products and services for interactive and real time through a direct channel of communication via the internet.
* Creating a new distribution channel that can reach more customers in almost all parts of the world.
* Provide significant savings in terms of cost and delivery information terdigitalisasi products (eg software and music).
Pressing the cycle time and administrative tasks (especially for international marketing) from order to product delivery.
* Service customers a more responsive and satisfying, because the customer can get more detailed information and respond quickly online.
* Facilitate Customization mass that has been applied to numerous products such as computer (Dell Computer Inc..), Cosmetics (www.reflect.com), car, house, jewel.
Parcel gifts (gift), greeting cards, flowers, insurance, services, travel, books, CDs, furniture, glass, T-shirt, and various other products.
One application * Easy-to-one or direct advertising is more effective than mass advertising.
* Reduce cost and time in handling the order, because the electronic booking system that allows faster processing and accurate.
* The market virtual / virtual (marketspace) as complement the traditional market (marketplace). In the case of organizational transformation, e-commerce change the characteristics of jobs, careers, and compensation. E-commerce requires competence, commitment, creativity, flexibility and adaptability in employees with every slight change in the environment, characterized by decentralization and the empowerment of authority, of knowledge-based workers; able to adapt quickly to new technology and changes in the environment (learning organization); able and dare to experiment with products, services, and new processes, and able to manage the strategic change. Meanwhile, in the case redefinisi organizations, e-commerce create new business models based online services in the marketspace. This could impact on the organization's mission redefinisi organization and how to run the business. These changes include, among others, the transition from a mass production system pemanufakturan just in time (JIT) a more customized, the integration of various functional systems (such as production, finance, marketing, and human resources) 1, both internally and with business partners and customers ; the implementation of new payment systems, such as electronic cash, control of information systems and current technology, and implementation of learning systems and online training.

In general, security is one of the components or services that are required for running eCommerce. To ensure security, the need to capacity in this field that can be obtained through research and understanding. Some of the topics (issues) that must be mastered include:
Cryptography Technology
Cryptography technology, explains how to secure data by using encryption. Various systems have been developed such as system privae key and public key. Algorithm-control algorithm is used to secure the data is also very important. Example algorithms include DES, IDEA, RC5, RSA and ECC (Ellliptic Curve Cryptography). Research in this field in universities is an important thing. One of the problems is how to secure the encryption ensures that only the recipient can access the data. You can menggembok data and send them together to address the key goals, but how to ensure that the key was not stolen in the middle of the road? One way to solve is that the recipient send a gemboknya, but did not send the keys. You menggembok data with a padlock and sends them by post. The recipient will then open it with a key that did not own already sent to who. Now the problem when the data was stolen digembok people, but with a complex encryption akan very difficult for people to access that data yanmg already digembok it.
One Time password.
Use a password that can only be used once. Usually the password number of digital merandom transaction number each time.
Security consultant.
Consultants, organizations, and institutions engaged in the field of security can help improve and maintain security. Examples of organizations working in this field is IDCERT.

With the development of information technology at this time the use of e-commerce is needed in the business world, because with e-commerce using the many benefits that can be obtained. Benefits include: ease promotion of products, create new distribution channels, to give significant savings in the cost of shipping and product information terdigitalisasi, Pressing cycle time and administrative tasks (especially for international marketing) from order to delivery of products and still many more benefits that can be obtained as described earlier.
It is important to consider in the use of e-commerce in the business world, namely in terms of security. The maraknya cyber crime at this level of security required is extra that can be done with the use of one time password, consulting with security consultants and can be done using the technique kriptography

http://bebas.vlsm.org/v06/Kuliah/Seminar-MIS/2008/252/252-12-PENGGUNAAN-ECOM-DAN-DAMPAKNYA-O PR-BSNSPRSHN.pdf, diakses tanggal 6 Januari 2009
Onno W Purbo,10 Pertanyaan tentang e-commerce ,www.dudung.net/ 10-pertanyan-tentang-e-commerce.html, diakses tanggal 3 Januari 2009
Deris Setiawan,2002 "E-Commerce"


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