Cynthia Dewi
Jurusan Teknik Informatika Universitas Trisakti
In generally market is a seller and buyer process and the sale-purchase transactions. The classification of traditional markets and modern markets is actually a new show starting later this when appearance supermarkets, supermarket, hypermarket, and so forth. At this time was much debate about the Traditional Market and the Modern Market, so the author of the paper makes the difference between these two markets. In the paper also describes how the traditional way that the market will still be able to survive in the various modern market development and how IT sector can develop engineering markets. . Each market and market Traditional Modern surely have advantages and disadvantages of each.
Keywords : Tradisional Market, Modern market
In the globalization era many areas are fierce competition and one of them going on the market, this appears because of the supermarkets, supermarket, hypermarket, and so forth appear categorized market is the market which have become pillars of the economy because most people most of the seller indigenous communities is in itself a traditional market and the market is on a large modern building, neat and clean and the owner is most investors from abroad, in a modern market. the understanding of traditional market that more specific is the place where seller, buyer do the transaction process and marked with the seller the buyer transaction directly, the building usually consists of kiosks or stalls, stalls and open dasaran opened by the seller as well as a market manager. While the modern market is the market that the seller and the buyer does not deal directly but buyers see the label listed in the price of goods (barcode), located in the building and the ministry carried out independently (self-service) or serviced by the clerk.
Currently, a lot of debate about the traditional markets versus modern market. Everything began when many of the traditional market traders "roll fold" or bankrupt the growth caused by the market - the modern market. Many opinions and views of experts shown-up. According to this case, the government immediately remove any president who set the rules of this problem. Most of the content of the rules that the president is about zoning or the location of the market for modern markets. For example, the settings of the hypermarket are the president of regulation should be only on the road - the main road that big, and so forth.
Perpres actual effectiveness of the doubt because it is not at the root of the problem completed. The root of the problem is actually not a zoning issue but a lack of government attention to the community. But should the government as ri'ayatus syu'unil amah (servant of the people's affairs) do referrals - referrals and guidance to the community about the revitalization of traditional markets. In connection with the market itself, not actually need the intervention of the government flown - flown. One of the only government interventions on the treatment and penjagaannya also remember the market is one of the facilities umum.Sedangkan current condition is due to more attention by the government is not against public facilities such as the traditional market today. Identical to the traditional market dirty, smelly, dirty and so on. Should be good because the market is a more modern clean and tidy or not, regulation and maintenance markets should still be made. Rather than as now appears that this new term that is revitalizing the market. In fact it only shows the government for this passivity. Even if the traders have a roll mat that is also not a problem. The problem is after they roll the mat, they are unemployed not even get a job in the new. This is also related to the failure of the government in opening employment opportunities for people. Bankrupt because of less competitive with others in the trade fair. But that is not reasonable is very difficult to get a job after the liquidation. Well this is actually a problem that is lack of employment opportunities.
Thus, in the hope of engineering to the development of IT markets with a more sophisticated technology to attract people but does not reduce the traditional value in it.
Traditional markets have been known since many centuries ago is estimated to have emerged since the kingdom of Kunai Kart Negara time in the tenth century BC -5. Starting from the barter of goods day-to-day needs of the nation's sea bamboo curtain, the community began dagangannya and there were sale and purchase transaction without the use of currency to the currency that comes from the Chinese nation.
In fact, the reliefs on temple unsanitary is the story of the community in time when the kingdom of deal to buy even if it does not sell in detail. Market dijamannya serve as a meeting place from all over the village and even used as a tool for political change dijamannya important information. Even at the time of entry of Islamic civilization in the land of water disband 12 BC; the market is used as a tool for breakaway. The guardian teaches grammar to trade the right way according to Islamic teachings.
Market area is also a mixing area for the various ethnic communities present there than locally. Ethnic Chinese, Arabic, Gujarat, India is a big traders at that time. Market dipping built most of the ports and rivers for easy loading and unloading activities of goods and facilitates the purchase transaction.
Diamond Dutch colonization, the traditional market place began to be established with the appropriate building large enough dijamannya. Market Beringharjo in Yogya, Semarang in Johar Market and Market in the city of Gede Solo Any example is the traditional market in the past were best alternative. And there is even a kind of ritual self dimasyarakat Java, namely the establishment of market must get a certain kind pulung (revelation) so that traders can sell at these attitudes. Market was established as a central selling food and clothing in town, large and that the colonists are easier to supervise traditional market freak.
In Tulungagung county, there are even traditional markets that follow the market (day's) market, such as Java Legi, Kliwon, and Legi Pahing. The traders and the rotation of the day. For example Legi on the market, the market place akan Legi disuatu by many traders and buyers. While other dihari, Legi market will not be crowded and there are only a few traders only. In fact, there are only market that is open to selling some types of merchandise such as for sale to buy a goat / cow only dipasar Kliwon only. Very unique one time when I was a little girl, sometimes I went to Mama Bu'De my shop and increase rural transportation to one of toward traditional markets.
Variety of merchandise that is unique in that market, there is wasp nest, banana heart, snails, didih (a frozen chicken blood) to noisy music scene that Java launched from the sound quality with No.3.
Jakarta also has historical value to the market that is high enough, the market in the 16 century, form because there were loading and unloading activities in harbour and had a potential buyer. Market in Batavia is the old city north of Jakarta. Because there was war between the Chinese and the Dutch at that time, then got burned out by the Dutch and the market is now moved south of the old city Batavia Glodok a market that is still standing now. Over time and growing population, the city of Batavia merged to the south area. Area Baroe market and the market Monday (because Monday is the peak time and it was only gathered on that day) was launched, loading and unloading activities of goods to the market were done through the canals and rivers that time is remaining before the canals of New Market. Senen area was renovated (revitalises in the 1970s) as a result of the Presidential Instruction. Even in the 1990s, some of the old market Senen House-Office buildings demolished and turned into shopping centres and luxury hotels.
Senen market area own growing up to now, the end of year 1987an start Senen market area because there are famous retail Ramayana and Robinson. Around year1987,
generally, the traditional market segments have a middle-down and selling retail. Visitors dominated by housewives and pitchman. Estimated there are 24,000 traditional markets to absorb the labour force of 12,000,000 (as most of the traders) and daily net income more than Rp 500 billion up to 1 trillion rupiah throughout Indonesia. A very large amount of the crisis such as this, imagine a rotation of money from the once very large traditional market
Modern market itself diperiode appear in the 1980s, the market and Blok M Mayestik Any market that is quite comfortable dijamannya. Appear until a few supermarket shopping , one of interested supermarket. One of supermarket in Indonesia, namely Gelael, Hero and the zero in the middle over the place in Jakarta on. Now there are only a few supermarket outlets are still survive in Jakarta. The rest has been a mini market close booming since the beginning of 2000.
Minimarket Alfamart such as race and Indomart to control the inlet. Ditempatb I already have 3 pieces Alfamart and 3 fruit Indomart only ½ km distance with it and have some shops in line of sight. Not far from Market Inpres Jatiasih, there is a hypermarket with a brand Naga 1 km and is now being built in the next period, Giant
Problems soon arose when modern market continuing slowly trimming the existence of traditional markets. With the conditions and atmosphere of a clean, comfortable, and all that is needed there, people tend to leave the traditional market. On the other hand, the longer the goods - the goods at the market modern and traditional markets are almost similar. Even the price is likely to compete with traders in traditional markets and even in some cases on the market price is much cheaper modern.
Thus, the problem of the market between traditional and modern markets is also located on the government side of the people who do not. So to resolve this problem is not with the expenditure President Instruction the zoning issue but a comprehensive treatment of all lines start from agriculture, foreign trade, up to the line of job creation.
AC Nielsen survey results also indicate 2005, the ratio of people desire to shop at traditional markets tend to go down, from 65% in 1999 to be 53% in 2004. On the case for the modern market, the ratio was increased from 35% (1999) to 47% (2004). Omzet own modern retail, the Retail Association of India (APRINDO), years ago has reached Rp 140 trillion. On the other hand, the Market Traders Association of Indonesia (APPSI) record, around 400 traditional market stalls close each year.
The impact of the contention, according to AC Nielsen survey in 2004 found that the data market growth 31.4% modern and traditional markets even minus 8.1%. This indicates a problem faced by the traditional market place as a major product-selling basic products produced by the middle of a small economic scale, namely:
• Number of seller had increased.
• Low of awareness against discipline, cleanliness and order.
• Low understanding of consumer behaviour.
• Vision and mission management market is not clear.
• The market has not functioned and served effectively.
• Standard operating procedures (SOP) is not clear.
• Management is not financially accountable and transparent.
• Less attention to the maintenance of physical facilities (tarnish, dirty and smelly).
• Traders pavement that does not get the order because the place is not eligible.
• The bullying.
• No supervision of goods sold, and the standardization of size and weight.
• Issue public facilities.
• The kiosk structure/ location that is not uniform.
Not mean that traditional markets continue to replace, then replaced with a hypermarket or building luxury mall. Have been many cases like this the revitalization is boarded but then the market traders had replaced, were threatened when not moving or even burned as indirectly threatened. The market has been burnt and then paled zinc and then the merchants are forbidden to build kiosk again, and the former market building was changed to shopping centres. And the traders who used to have stalls are required to buy a new kiosk with new, more expensive, the kiosks are a source of revenue for seller. Not surprisingly, when traders in Koja market and other areas had chaos because injustice is happening.
But on other countries such as neighbour nation - Malaysia and Singapore, the traditional market as tourist destinations. Managed with the traditional market professional and clean so that visitors feel comfortable and also fun to shop. Thailand, market floating even become a major destination by foreign tourists who visit. Traditional markets in Turkey, Japan and Korea also managed to be professional and destination
Published Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 112/2007 on the regulation and the Development of Traditional Market, Shopping Centre and shop at the Modern 27 December 2007 and Regional Regulation (Perda) on the Protection and Empowerment of Traditional Market regulation and Modern Market in East Java on 28 February 2008 are expected to protect small traders as well as to empower cooperatives , micro-scale businesses, small medium (KUMKM). No government issued Perpres. 112/2007, in which there is a clause that set the opening hours of the modern retail facilities. In article 4, paragraph 1 mentioned that the shopping centres and modern shops must consider the distance between the traditional market hypermarket existing as before. Clause 7 Perpres 112/2007 obliges hypermarket work hours, department stores and supermarkets are Monday - Friday 10:00 - 22:00 local time, while Saturday - Sunday 10:00 - 22:00 local time. Markets in modern products are required to absorb the resulting small medium scale businesses (SMEs).
As in the draft Regulation on the Protection and Empowerment of Traditional Market regulation and Modern Market in East Java requires that the location of modern markets and modern shops to the Spatial Plan Area District Plan and Details Spatial District, including the setting zone. Article 9 in the local regulations hypermarket, shopping centres and the type of modern markets should only be located in or on the network access arterial or Collector Street. Colour directed at rural areas so that the centre of new growth for regional development. Offender regulations that can apply sanctions revocation of a permit issued by the regent / city major. Modern markets Regulation should refer Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, especially paragraph 4, says, and held a national economy based on economic democracy with the principles of justice and togetherness. Regulation should also pay attention to Law No.5/1999 on the Prohibition and monopoly practices Business Competition No Sehat.zoning in more detail. For example, the modern market with a 100m2 up to 500m2 can be established with at least 1 km distance from the market tradisional. Meanwhile market with a modern 500m2 to 1000m2 given boundary 1.5 km from the traditional market. Based on Law no. 32 of 2004 on Local Government, cities and districts have full authority to resolve the issue in the context market policy. Among others, with the recent regulations that protect the traditional market, synergize with modern markets, competitiveness and spur power
Vision of government in the context of logic, systemic, lateral and shared vision has been to try to do with the regulation revision No. 6 / 1992 on the management of the market, and no regulation. 12/1999 on PD. Pasar Jaya, where the operator has a greater opportunity to build additional facilities on the market.
In traditional markets, have advantages: first, when we buy fish (marine, brackish or fresh) can choose fresh fish and a good choice in many traditional markets and prices can bargain. second, we can buy ingredients kitchen, buy shoot, buy vegetables, etc. with the money 500 silver ... I try to market a modern, kitchen spices are pre packed and the price is much more expensive, third, we can buy with many options sembako eg wheat & rice have many types live we see how much money I have in the modern market only products of the factory sold. The disadvantages of markets, all would agree that the traditional market and dirty smell (especially when the rainy season). Safety factor (for example: pickpocket) and weighing the low risks of scales.
The advantages that a modern market price promo, where the difference between the price of goods promo 6000 until 1000 can be compared with the previous price, gifts, quality assurance, look interesting, and easy access to product information. Supported other facilities as an alternative entertainment for consumers, such as a playground, where buying, it will attract consumers. Market also provides modern comfort for the building air-conditioned, clean, tidy and a mini market, such as The growth Alphamaret and Indomaret a distance not too far from home we provide more value to the modern market, does not need to clear the market to tarnish and dirty to meet daily needs. Lack of modern markets that have been handed in all regions. All food products and beverages packed neatly and stored in the refrigerator is rigid and silent, shopping atmosphere 'established' this stuck and boring. No interaction bargaining atmosphere of the traditional market while providing colour in the distinctive living aroma. There are salted fish, street tarnish, there are blazing sun, men have a more modest heel well regarded. Shopping 'modern' way of life against all the IM. Men and women who felt themselves well-established, with the lofty push trolley full of shopping goods. traditional markets are also still has some advantages that are not owned by the modern market, which is still in the social contact during bargaining between sellers and buyers. "Not as modern markets are forcing consumers to comply with the price already set, or that, he said, the government as a market regulator should arrange so that the development of modern market competition between traders trading traditional and modern land not rebut each other." Managed properly, the distance kilometres from traditional markets can not be built mini market.
Strategies to develop market traditional is supported with 4 (four) elements, namely: (1) Starting the trading strategy, (2) Selecting Strategies and buy goods, (3) Selling strategies, and (4) strategies to build, maintain and foster cooperation between seller. Launch strategy undertaken by the seller is an action that needs to be done and the personal factors that have situation. Actions include, namely: (1) consider the characteristics of the buyer or the market, (2) find attractive merchandise that can be sold, (3) prepare business mode, and (4) determine the location of a business that matches the type of goods for sale. Strategy and choose to buy the goods necessary considering, namely: (1) purchasing many place to get a variety of goods, (2) with the purchase amount with the condition of capital, (3) select the item with variations in colour, model and size accordingly. Selling strategy by the Seller do the aspects include: merchandise displays well and clearly, to be called for prospective buyers, using the local language, using the selling price is not high / the same as the seller of similar goods retails, ready to accept the exchange of goods, spending on goods end of the year, and that is the most important and the last trade moved from the traditional markets and that one night to the traditional market and the other night.
Building the strategy, develop and maintain cooperation among vendors is done with, attempted to mutually recognize each other vendors, interact with both, cooperation formed between the seller, foster openness and mutual trust between the seller, helping develop the attitudes, and share information. There are quite a few things that the dominant cause of the failure of the seller in selling, namely: (1) Lack of motivation in the seller, usually occurs on the seller that is still young and celibacy. (2) The seller does not have talent to trade. (3) Not able to interact with sesame both the seller and the local community. (4) In the management of financial capital or the generally minimal. (5) The growth hypermarket Start shopping and purchasing power can cause people in the traditional market is reduced, so that the model is minimal can not compete. (5) special macro economy, the number of wholesale traders in the elder brother, and Jatinegara, Cipulir goods shop where they go bankrupt due to goods from a country many Chinese go to Indonesia.
Our weakness is we do not have the awareness to maintain the traditional market which is a pillar of the nation's economy, we are always to the self-interest, we do not have the awareness to see the nation together as a joint problem. Nations are no longer seen as a sacrifice with the imagination, but rather seen as a great opportunity of how we can dredge the country. Not property such as in Indonesia even ashamed of identity with the traditional market, does not care about the extinction markets, when traditional markets are managed professionally, neatly very clean and certainly could be a tourism and increase the employment and income countries. The government issued a policy on traditional markets, but until now the traditional markets threatened extinction has not been resolved. Also encourage the government and not ask people to continue to create a modern market creation, but even clap to the presence of a modern capital market is very large for the narrow space economy. Traditional Market and the slum existence saw this market the traditional left will die slowly
See a problem with the traditional market is aware of the existing then we can summarized the efforts in what must be done as a IT engineer in maintaining the traditional markets, namely: (1) As expected to participate in the consumer care and help so that the market does not disappear with the traditional purchase needs in the traditional markets. (2) Develop the market with traditional web or internet, so there are lots of information about the various goods that are sold, the price of goods, goods and address of our search. (3) Set the layout or location of a systematic and strategic in order to facilitate when consumers buy. (4) Create associations between the traders to determine the strategy, and discusses the lack of excess and find solutions together when there is a problem for efforts to improve the performance of traditional markets
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
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