Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Final Test Alqhadafi (064.07.033)

wimax implementation in indonesia

Jurusan teknik informatika
Fakultas teknologi industri,Universitas Trisakti
Jln.Kyai Tapa No. 1 Grogol Jakarta Barat
Email : Dafi_3sakti07@yahoo.com


To date, the user wireless internet (wireless) has been made with curious akan segera muculnya technology WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access). WiMAX is an evolution of wireless broadband technology before. This technology is designed to meet kondsi non-LOS (Line if Sight) for using OFDM techniques.
With the same case with Wifi (Wiresless Fidelity), WiMAX allows for wireless internet connection with speeds reaching 70 Mbps or 35 times faster than ADSL channel. The new technical standard called 802.16, the also have coverage up to tens of kilometers with the disbanding Wifi capability that only hundreds of meters. WiMAX technology is one of the solutions to be able to develop information technology in a city or rural coverage due to the distance 50 km, making it possible to re-coverage under this seluruhnya.Berikut reviews about WiMAX good views of the technology, standards and challenges.
Positioning WiMAX Technology
When the previous wireless broadband technology is still proprietary, the WiMAX standard will be open (the withdrawal on the CDMA and GSM cellular and WLAN communication with the IEEE 802.11 standard). Many wireless technology (wireless) that has been performed in the field, such as cellular (GSM and CDMA), Wireless Broadband Access (Wireless IP Wireless or DSL), Wireless LAN (standard 802.11 a / b / g), and Wireless PAN (Bluetooth or RFID)
WiMAX technology is also promising features that are able bersaingdengan standard ASDL and third generation mobile phone (3G). According to the report view Telecom, WiMAX will take about 40% wide band wireless market in 2009. Along denganitu "WiMAX will be the main competitor for mobile generasiketiga (3G) that will control 60% of wide-band wireless market at the same time


In Indonesia, WiMAX is not yet popuper Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity). However, as one of the countries licensed WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability Mobile Access), Indonesia has the authority to apply this technology to the telecommunications operator, mobile operator that has both the readiness readiness readiness of the infrastructure and operational-maintanance. WiMAX broadband wireless access are expected to provide fresh wind in the middle of the competition in the telecommunications industry and market needs.
Session in International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in June 2007, included in the WiMAX standard IMT-2000. Standard is also known as the standard third-generation mobile telecommunications (3G) spectrum covering 2.5 to 2.69 Gigahertz.
Are currently undergoing WiMAX coexistence studies to ensure its status as one of the 3G technology. Moreover, through its standard IMTAdvanced ITU, WiMAX technology to be ready 4g

WiMAX is not ready dikembang luaskan,
because of several issues:
- WiMAX Forum cases involved violations
copyright on the technology
- Manufacturer chipset is not yet release
with cheap patent royalties and its
- Forum is not yet in acclamation
determine the standard of


Applications that use the WiMAX network has several advantages including: the installation is generally relatively easy (especially apda geographic areas with obstacles), increase in performance and resilience (robustness) of applications, the network is entirely based on IP, security is better and speed is equivalent to the good for broadband voice, data and video.
WiMAX is built on a foundation more secure than with previous wireless technology. Therefore, the mobile government application techniques can be applied to a more advanced encryption and authentication techniques and other security mechanisms necessary to protect information that is confidential / sensitive.
By processing the data with a relatively large size will become easier. Therefore, the development of mobile government application that is critical, and involve large data, for example, an application that is used when the disaster occurred or for military purposes. In addition, a mobile government service, previously only used by the majority of the population in urban areas, with WiMAX will be more easy to access from rural areas. In addition, in many situations, especially in tense situations such as disaster, the WiMAX can be done quickly, will enable the availability of secure communication channels to transfer data, audio or video coverage of the short distance further than the previous technology.
At the time of disaster is often the existing telecommunications infrastructure is damaged. To make communication with the central assistance is usually used a wireless communication network. Another obstacle is the condition of the road to reach the disaster areas that often follow make it so damaged that the team will provide assistance. In situations like this, the use of WiMAX will be very helpful because the communication to the help center can still be done even if separated by a distance that is far enough. In addition, the data will make it easier for officers in the field, such as blueprint, map or other supporting information can be transmitted in real time from the help center. Thus, the officers in the field can carry much more up to its duty.
In situations requiring medical assistance officer. WiMAX could function as a means to create a "mobile hospital". Officers in the field can consult with doctors via video at the hospital who will then provide instructions on how to safely move the victim or provide first aid. By using WiMAX, medical service unit in an ambulance for example, can move from one location to another location in the disaster areas with the lines of communication remain available. This is possible because at the time of communication through mobile WiMAX network can be done with data transfer speeds are still high. The use of WiMAX to help communication in disaster management has previously been done by Intel in 2005 to help provide telecommunications infrastructure in areas affected by the Storm Katrina in the United States.
In many countries, including Indonesia in the license for the use of WiMAX has not been given to the mobile operator. The plan, WiMAX tender will be held in Indonesia in the quarter IV regulations in line with the new WiMAX akan exit end of this year. Regulation is in akan covers the frequency spectrum allocation, standardization and business models.
Springboard Consulting study predicts that the WiMAX market in the Asia-Pacific countries will be dominated by India, Japan, Pakistan and China (More can be read clearly in the http. How about Indonesia? In some countries a WiMAX service is available, generally set rates that are more expensive. This may be caused by the initial investment cost that has been spent and the number of customers that are still a bit because it is still introduced. We hope in future the use of WiMAX can be a solution for telecommunication access to equity to all corners of Indonesia with an affordable price. (completed)

Challenges in the face in implementation WiMAX

In development there are several challenges and constraints associated with the WiMAX technology and device

a. Readiness of the device
Few vendors have devices that comply denganWiMAX certified. However, there are several vendors who are ready with the device pre WiMAXnya (in the sense of living in order to upgrade the software only comply with WiMAX).

b. Government regulation
As happens with other countries in the world then the Indonesian government has not set any frekuensiWiMAX that will be used. Likely to create vendor first WiMAX devices in the 3.5 GHz frequency. Meanwhile, Indonesia is also the frequency used for communication satelit.Sehingga required the determination of the appropriate frequency range agarmenguntungkan good for operators, regulators and users
Benefits of the WiMAX

Benefits of WiMAX

With the IEEE 802.16-2004 standard, expected to be obtained various
benefits, such as the availability of network services more quickly (even in areas
is difficult to reach by cable-based network), the installation cost is lower, and the ability to overcome the physical limitations that are based in the network cable. To maintain the optimum performance, also supports the 802.16 network QoS (quality of service) that is needed in the audio and video connections.
Besides the already mentioned previously, the implementation of the 802.16 standard will bring benefits for the service (and service provider network) and for users. This advantage, among others, availability of broadband services on demand, broadband services in the housing, the network service in remote areas, and exploration dimungkinkannya (roaming) between hotspot-MAN by users. With broadband on demand, places that was not
have high-speed Internet access (due to the limited scope of the cable modem and DSL), will be able to get service without waiting braodband long. For modern business and large companies, Internet access such as this surely is a need that can not be bargained again. Also for home users who crave long broadband access.

Attendance akan 802.16 standard allows them to get services
DSL sekualitas with the installation easier and a more remote distance. As we know, DSL service has limited the distance, ie, about 5 km from the customer to the telephone exchange Automatic / STO. If the distance is longer than this, usually there will be a decrease in quality. Therefore, DSL service usually only found in urban areas. By using 802.16 access via the network, the location had potential Internet customers will not be a major problem again.
802.16 Use of this network also allows the company to the
easily connected to broadband services, now must be moved from one location to a business location other business (or during a business expansion or business). Without having to depend on the cable phone service, the company will be able to connect the branches to headquarters via the Internet or VoIP network using 802.16.

WiMAX in the future

How the position of WiMAX compared to other wireless communication? As said before, has a WiMAX 802.16e standard will be directed to provide data communications for handheld devices. However, it does not mean that this standard will replace the 3G services to communicate.
The limited frequency spectrum in the 3G is anxious to make the service provider. They thought that this limitation can inhibit the increased data transfer via network selularnya. The operator is anxious that the spectrum they have will not be able to meet the communication needs of voice and data customers. In this case, the role of WiMAX is required. 802.16e standard can act as a provider of data services that will be communicating with the voice-based 3G services. This standard can be used to expand existing services. Although can be a complement to the 3G network, WiMAX will be focused to provide a wireless data communication, and not to provide voice communication wirelessly.
How about the market potential offered by WiMAX? The industry analysts estimate that so far the potential markets by WiMAX dikandung this number in the range of U.S. $ 3 billion - U.S. $ 5 billion in 2009. Who does not akan tergiur with the potential of the market? Not surprisingly, if the vendor device and telecommunication network race began to develop and market a variety of devices based on 802.16 standards.
For example, the Nokia some time ago news agree coupled
hands with Intel to complete the 802.16e standard, and develop the infrastructure and mobile devices that can support the standard. Intel and ArrayComm (vendor of the antenna) has also formed a partnership to develop a smart antenna in accordance with the 802.16 standard. Does not want to lag, Navini Networks (telecommunications device vendor) of the range products, among other devices and the client base station, which is run according to standard 802.16e. Dikabarkan client device will be available at the end of this year (which will be followed by the modem PC card format the device and base station in 2006).
Sprint, one of the United States telecommunications operator, also agreed to
the test equipment to Motorola WiMAX production run at a frequency of 2.5 GHz. In addition, Sprint says will work with Intel to develop a communication device that supports WiMAX, to provide multimedia services for Sprint customers.
With the enthusiasm of vendors so high, the analyst estimates
WiMAX-based network that may be available commercially at the end of the
in 2007 or at the latest in the year 2008. Which may be noted from
enthusiasm that is the tendency of the vendor's 3G services (especially
infrastructure vendors) that offer products based on 3G and WiMAX.
The trend is also seen that the vendor is taking the approach that kompromistis with emphasis on services based on 3G.
Previously, not long at WiMAX effect, among many states that WiMAX technology will drown 3G technology. But now, the vendors such as Nokia states that WiMAX will become a perfect assistant for 3G, which allows the availability of broadband services with multimedia contents.

So where WiMAX will actually lead? The fact analysts still can not answer the question. This is triggered by the development of cellular technology that turns the fly. 4g technology Maraknya experiment based on various principles of the same with that used in the WiMAX meluluhlantakkan have been predicted by experts. Therefore, the analyst states that the witness whether WiMAX will live side by side, sink, or there would be a successful provider of technology is an interesting attraction at this mid-decade.

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