Wednesday, June 17, 2009

final test haris abidin (06407055)

E-business is not a new issue. Presence has encouraged the organization
changes to traditional virtual organization. However, according to the author,
this topic still has significant issues that should be explored as a way of approach
differ on this topic will give different results too. Results
different can be implemented for a variety of different situations,
according to results of the assessment team management. Organizations must consider the
making and tool knowledge and consider the two factors that are not
can be separated as an organizational infrastructure to maximize
performance of the organization. Knowledge management is a way to
increase the capability of organizations in the information for resource
improve efficiency and productivity. To be able to understand and explore the
more ways to help knowledge management organization virtual, author
collecting information from libraries, online databases, books,
and web pages. Next, in order to better describe the benefits -
benefits that can be achieved, threats, and challenges faced by organizations,
author uses a case study. The case will be used as
benchmark and support the theory, also for the situation that
Indeed, in the real world.

Keyword : Virtual Organisation, Infrastricture of organisation, Eficiency

Internet has made products (goods and services) into larger virtual organizations to be
marketed by sellers and buyers. The products can be easily traded w orldw ide w ith no
boundary or limitation of geographical area. The trading process is w hat Pow er (2001,
p. 189) calls as selling mechanism. Buyers and sellers communicate via Internet
allow ing the products to be bought and sold over computer netw orks. The principle
concept is that the products are purchased and paid for over the Internet and
distributed by logistics carriers to the buyers’ addresses. That online buying, selling,
and paying is an integral part of e-busines.

2. The Advantages of E-business
According to Amor (2000, p. 13), the strengths of e-business depend on the strengths
on the Internet, which are the infrastructure can be expanded in the future, the
availability of access for 24 hours everyday and low cost as w ell. However what Amor
wants to show is that how Internet can change the topology of business. Amor (2000,
p. 14) reckons that there are seven advantages that can be obtained by the e-business
organizations (see Figure 3 ).
A dvantages of e-business
1. Global accessibility and sales reach . Businesses can expand their customer base globally
and even their product line.
2. Closer relationships. B2B sellers should be able to construct close relationship.
3. Free sam plers. Products can be sampled via the W eb quickly, easily, and free of charge.
4. Reduced costs. Businesses can minimize the costly production by dynamically adjusting
5. Media breaks. The Internet reduces the number of media breaks which are needed to
transfer information.
6. Time to market. Shorter time to market and faster response time to changing and
competitive market demands.
7. Customer loyalty. Improved customer loyalty and service through easier access to the
new est information and a never closing site.
Source: Amor, D ., 2000, ‘The E-business Revolution’, p. 14

3. Knowledge Management Implementation
Organizations should be concerned in understanding of knowledge utilization and
creation and consider the two inseparable factors as an organizational infrastructure
to maximize the organizational performance. According to D utrénit (2000, p. 35), the
process of know ledge creation is:

‘… the center of attention and issues about the m anagem ent of know ledge are
playing an increasingly im portant role in the explanation of the effectiveness
of this process’
Furthermore, the use of know ledge management facilitates the process of creation
and enhancement of know ledge for the development of strategic technological
According to the American Productivity and Q uality Center
(1996, available at: http://w w w -mng.pdf),
knowledge management is a set of strategy to acquire the right know ledge to the right people at
the right time and help the individuals or groups to share and use the information into
action in a w ay to enhance organizational achievement. M oreover, know ledge
management is a complicated process that should be reinforced by a robust foundation
of enablers – strategy and leadership, culture, measurement, and technology. Each
enabler should be aligned to generate the know ledge process – procurement,
presentation, transfer, utilization, and removal (see Figure 4 ). To obtain know ledge,
organizations should be agile in balancing the know ledge management elements –
people (culture), processes (content), and technology. Abell and O xbrow (2001, p. 37)
reckon that those elements have formed a know ledge management philosophy – to
manage the know ledge balance w hich further determines an organization and its
relationship in the market.

4.The Advantages of Knowledge Management
The role of know ledge management offers a number of benefits for organizations in
developed or developing countries. Radding (1998, p. 61) identifies many substantial
benefits that know ledge management offers, including: prevention of know ledge loss;
strong decision-making; adaptability and flexibility; competitive advantage; asset
development; product development; customer oriented and; leverages investments in
human resource/capital .
Knowledge management advantages
1.Prevention of know ledge loss – enables an organization to retain critical expertise and
prevent critical know ledge loss resulting from retirement, dow nsizing, employee departures,
2.Improved decision making – decisions are made faster w ith greater quality and also can be
made at a low er level in the organization.
3.Adaptability and flexibility – staffs can w ork in cross-functional situations and the
organization improves employee morale.
4.Competitive advantage – enables the organizations to fully understand its customers,
prospects, market, and the competition, thereby enabling the identification of competitive
gaps and opportunities.
5.Asset development – improves the organization’s ability to capitalize on legal protection for
intellectual property.
6.Product improvement – value of products is increased in direct proportion to the degree and
quality of know ledge in the product.
7.Customer management – enables organizations to sharpen customer focus and service.
Increased customer know ledge expedites response to customer queries, suggestions, &
complaints. It also ensures the consistency and quality w hen servicing customers.
8.Leverages investments in human capital – organizations can better leverage their investment
in hiring and training w orkers such as the ability to share lessons learned, document
processes, the handling of exceptions, capture and transmit tacit know ledge, etc.
Source: Radding, 1998, Know ledge M anagem ent, p. 60-61
5. Information and Communications Technology (IC T )
The development of ICT has produced opportunities and challenges. According to Abell
and Oxbrow (2001, p. 52):
‘… the use of IC T enables virtual w orking that is alm ost akin to sitting around
the table together. But online w orking needs careful facilitating and
leadership. It requires new skills and m indsets, and w hile it allow s m ore
inclusion for som e it presents barriers for others. Paradoxically, collaborative
softw are enables people in one room to w ork creatively together by challenge
ideas, and vote for outcom es, anonym ously, thus allow ing the group to have a
frank discussion w ithout individuals feeling inhibited by their lack of
confidence or status.’
Early applications of technology offered the prospect of increased production and less
reliance on human. The integration of communications and information technology
introduces opportunities to operate in new markets, change w ays of w orking, deliver
different products, and maybe to develop business relationships w ith a variety of
suppliers. ICT enables flexibility, allow ing information to be exchanged across
geographical and time barriers. Virtual organizations, mobile w ork forces, and
innovative partnerships have all been diffused by ICT. ICT also brings new problems,

for example, technical directors and technical staff argue to utilize a compatible IT
platforms and softw are applications to enhance faster and cheaper communication.

6. Virtual Organizations
ICT has made a new form of business named virtual organizations. Skyrme (1999, p. 1)
has defined the virtual organization as the organization diffused geographically and
organizational w ork is distributed throughout electronic communications. M any smaller
organizations or even start-up companies are now concerning about the advantages of
becoming or maybe as a part of a virtual organization, w hich can give them the
benefits of the different resources of a large organizations w hile focusing on the
strength and agility of the small one. Furthermore, Skyrme also specifies the
advantages that virtual organizations offer. The advantages of virtual organizations
are: [1] provide access to a w ide a range of specific resources, [2] should enable to
present a united face to big corporate customers, [3] the organizations can keep
concentrated to operate on the niche skills, and [4] easiness to reshape and change
personnel based on the proposed task or project.

7. People, Process, and Technology
The three inseparable elements of know ledge management – technology, people, and
process – are playing an important role for the success of the virtual organizations.
First, the know ledge in technology should be able to produce many benefits to users
(easiness, practicality, functionality) and differentiate w ith other current products
competitively. Second, the know ledge in people, people in an organization is
considered as the most valuable asset because people act as the motivator to invent
innovative ideas and generate the w ork process. Third, the know ledge in process can
be illustrated as the structure – vertical or horizontal – of the organization, the w ay
the employees w ork together in an complex situation, and if the organization has a
flexible management then can be w ell adapted to the dynamic of changes, because no
matter w hat changes w ill apply.

8. The Success of Virtual Organizations
Today's business environment demands a new philosophy for accomplishing tasks. The
success of virtual organizations principally is in the hand of the staff (teams) that run
the job. M anagers should heavily motivate the teams to produce new ideas or process
to fasten the w ork. As technology w orkers continue to become un-tethered, often
w ithout w arning to the enterprise and its IT infrastructure, it is increasingly the
responsibility of the enterprise to provide the education and change management
necessary for the employee's success in a virtual environment. IT executives should
ensure that the appropriate education and competencies are developed among its core
staff to leverage the full potential of a successful virtual team (Ader, M ., 2003).

Successful virtual teams involve a strong combination of people, process, and
technology. For people to w ork seamlessly across boundaries, distance, and time,
collaboration tools and services to catalyze productivity must be readily available. IT
executives should evaluate tools from emerging professional services automation (PSA)
vendors, project management and collaboration players, as w ell as leading audio and
video streaming technology that can support the activities of a virtual team
(H aselkorn, M ., 1998).

9. Challenge and Solution in Knowledge Management
Although know ledge M anagement can become a good strategy in many organizations to
achieve competitive advantage in competing w ith others, it also presents significant
challenges to the organizations especially to managers and IT professionals. The
complexity in defining the most suitable know ledge management model, refining
information, choosing the most appropriate technology are the examples of issues that
face by organizations. H ow ever though the problems are a lot, it doesn’t mean all the
organizations face the same issues. The issue w ill depend on the organizations
themselves, w hat is the core business and how the organization runs the activities
(KM W orld, 2002).

10. Distributing Information
H ow to distribute and deliver the information is one of the issues w hich have impact
organization greatly. Spreading the information among w orkers in organization, to
other branches of organizations and collaborated organizations can determine the
faith of organization itself. Speed of distribution and availability of information are
the things that organizations try to sustain and achieve. Before considering a w ay of
distributing the information, organizations have to understand clearly first, w hat kind
of information those organizations have. According to Vice President of H ummingbird
Ltd., Peter Auditore (KM W orld, 2002), there are three types of information in an
organization, w hich are;
° Explicit Know ledge, know ledge that can be extracted from books,
documents, emails and databases. This is the easiest w ay to get and gather
know ledge in an organization.
° Embedded Knowledge, know ledge that found during running organization’s
task such as services and process. The know ledge can be achieved is a person
carries certain tasks in organization.
° Tacit Knowledge, undocumented know ledge. This kind of know ledge is
available inside the head of w orkers and can be spread among them via
mouth to mouth.

After understanding w hat kind of know ledge an organization has, then managers and
IT professional have to think the scope of information distribution. There are tw o
scope of information distribution, w hich are distribution of inform ation am ong
w orkers in an organization and distribution of inform ation to the virtual organization
w orldw ide (Intranet Journal, 2003).

11. Distribution of Information among W orkers in an Organization(focus on people)
Sharing information among w orkers in an organization isn’t a new problem in
know ledge management issue how ever it is still exist. O ne of the w ays that used
now adays is Intranet technology. Research has already demonstrated that Intranet
technology has show ed significant increase in efficiency and productivity of an
organization. And also there is significant correlation betw een intranet and job
satisfaction (Intranet Journal, 2003).

Intranet technology can bring a lot of benefit in distributing know ledge management.
O f course cost of the technology is one of the benefits how ever it’s not the only
advantage that organization seeks. Intranet can also benefit w orker in many w ays such
as a tool of communication not only betw een w orkers and organization but also among
the w orkers. Intranet technology allow s w orkers to access know ledge from
organization nevertheless, not only has that Intranet still had other advantages but also help
workers to communicate each other especially in distributing
tacit know ledge w hich is very hard to be documented by organization (Intranet
Journal, 2003).


E-business is an interesting w ay for business to earn more profit and efficiency.
Though there are a lot of benefit that can be gained from e-business, it’s a w ise
decision to look at the negative sides such as threats, obstacles etc. In order to gain
the benefits, companies or organizations that w ish to implement Internet as part of
their businesses activities have to look both the advantages and threats or obstacles
that have to be faced.

Know ledge management is a method of the creation, capture, organization, access
and use of organizations intellectual capital on consumers, markets, goods (product &
services), and internal processes (Abell and O xbrow , 2001, p. 33). It is a pow erful w ay
to help an organization or company to attain competitive advantages in competing
w ith other companies. The implementation of know ledge management has successfully
encouraged the continuance of many organizations to achieve goals. The
characteristics of successful organizations that implement know ledge management are
conservatism in financing, sensitivity to the environment, sense of cohesion and
company identity among staffs and, tolerance of new ideas, circumstances, and

Though know ledge management can bring a lot of benefit, at the same time, it also
brings problems. The problems depend on the organizations themselves, w hat is the
core business and how the organization runs the activities. Basically, the problems of
using know ledge management that occur in an organization are distributing
information; classify information and w rong perceptions of know ledge management.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

final test Andhika Wijanarko (06407009)


In the situation of an economy that is increasingly difficult, because the oil crisis and a lot of competition in many areas of life, including the competitive business world, the position of SMEs feel once they are especially for the farmers. Of appropriate technology that is used in small medium agribusiness activities begin at stage input, process, and the output is still relatively low compared to other industry events. Agribusiness production processes are still using traditional equipment, so it's difficult to be able to compete with other processing industry, so the added value created by SMEs in the agribusiness sector is still relatively low. With advances in technology, companies are required to follow the development of the age that does not fall behind with the other. The purpose of this in the middle is a small business to identify the technologies that have and have not been used in the pre-eminent commodity of agribusiness and the application of appropriate technology in order to develop a superior commodity agribusiness. Information technology system not being used and to encourage harvest of the farmers and the agribusiness sector SME sector, this is because there is no encouragement and willingness of various parties. Technology that is applied from the first until the fifth subsystem agribusiness has been implemented but are still simple and has not been able to improve the production process of agribusiness, so that has not been able to encourage business in the field of small and medium enterprises.
Keywords: technology information system, of appropriate technology, SMEs

The information economy is a large market share. Include provisions of infrastructure and services that are created, services, processing and exchange of information and communication as well as sales of information itself, this market now covers about 10% of GDP in most developed countries, and covers more than half their economic growth. The software is a key element of the role of ICTS (information and communication technology system) in the economy, and the structure, power
In the era of globalization, the development of technology that is rapidly increasing and now specialize in the company, each company claimed in its ability to improve the efficiency and activate use of resources that are owned company. The development of a world of growing competition and rapid, which caused many companies are racing to compete for the maximum level in production.

• Appropriate Use of Technology
Appropriate Use of Technology is the technology that matches the needs of the community, can answer the problems the community, does not damage the environment and can be use by people easily, cheaper and produces value-added aspects of both economic and environmental. To development of appropriate technology can be optimally realized when there is technology transfer from the creator or owner of appropriate technology to the public users of appropriate technology. Reality shows that the discovery of the new technology is rapidly effective, both found by the community, business, tingga universities, research institutions and the development of private and public property.

• Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
the potential and the strategic role, because a large amount and distribution area, KUKM is a strength for the community economic activities, and can be a foothold in the welfare increase. At least during this KUKM has been able to contribute to the absorption of labor and the largest increase in national exports, and in the establishment of national GDP
(State Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, 2007)
• The needs of SME Technology
tendency technology needs of SMEs to the future cannot be detached from the changes in the structure of SMEs. The technology will be designed, from now on should have been preparing a very substantial demand from the communications industry, drugs, services and small-scale and medium to support the development of SMEs that the prospective

• Technology Information System
Information System is a computer application to support the operation of an organization: operating, installation, and maintenance of computer, software, and data. Management Information System is a key area that emphasizes the personal and financial management. 'Information System' can be a combination of several elements of technology-based computers that interact each other and work together based on the procedures work (work rules) have been defined, which process the data and process information into a form that can be used in decision support. (Tejoyuwono & Ambarita )
In most literature the term control of technology (technological acquisition) is defined as the ability to generate and process changes manage technology. Control this process through the stages of selecting, gain, apply, manage, adopt, forge, acquires, to up-grade and the technology from the outside that is more advanced in an effective and efficient (Stewart, 1981).

• Appropriate Use of Technology
Appropriate Use of Technology is the technology that matches the needs of the community, can answer the problems the community, does not damage the environment and can be used by people easily, cheaper and produces value-added aspects of both economic and environmental. For development of appropriate technology can be optimally realized when there is technology transfer from the creator or owner of appropriate technology to the public users of appropriate technology. Reality shows that the discovery of the new technology is rapidly effective, both found by the community, business, rate universities, research institutions and the development of private and public property ( _detail.php? id = 778)

• Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
the potential and the strategic role, because a large amount and distribution area, KUKM is a strength for the community economic activities, and can be a foothold in the welfare increase. At least during this KUKM has been able to contribute to the absorption of labor and the largest increase in national exports, and in the establishment of the national GDP (Ministry of Cooperatives and the State Small Business, 2007).

• System Information Technology
Changes in agricultural technology is influenced by internal factors (experience and needs of the self) and external factors (government policies, extension) changes in agricultural technology affect the social-economic community. cannot change the status in social mores.
Technology limited the right location is very influential to the productivity of agricultural commodities in general, so it has not reached optimum utilization of resources of the actual potential to provide results that more. The low productivity of land is marked by the large along the results obtained with the results at the farmer level in research. There are three technology components that cause the low productivity of the cultivation of technology applications that are still low, the use of varieties that are less local with the condition, and the results are still the size of the loss after harvest. Limited form of technology and the large varieties local lost during harvest and post-harvest indicators are still weak and guidance to farmers lack role in the area of technology.

West Java has the potential to develop SMEs in the field of agriculture with a variety of opportunities and the opportunities that exist, but the development of guidance and counseling as well as from related parties less.
The technology used is relatively simple and the implementation was less than targeted, this is because the regeneration is not running instructor, to the interests of farmers and search for information technology is still weak, because the agricultural use of media information has not been widespread.

Final Test Cynthia Dewi (064.07.019)


Cynthia Dewi
Jurusan Teknik Informatika Universitas Trisakti

In generally market is a seller and buyer process and the sale-purchase transactions. The classification of traditional markets and modern markets is actually a new show starting later this when appearance supermarkets, supermarket, hypermarket, and so forth. At this time was much debate about the Traditional Market and the Modern Market, so the author of the paper makes the difference between these two markets. In the paper also describes how the traditional way that the market will still be able to survive in the various modern market development and how IT sector can develop engineering markets. . Each market and market Traditional Modern surely have advantages and disadvantages of each.

Keywords : Tradisional Market, Modern market


In the globalization era many areas are fierce competition and one of them going on the market, this appears because of the supermarkets, supermarket, hypermarket, and so forth appear categorized market is the market which have become pillars of the economy because most people most of the seller indigenous communities is in itself a traditional market and the market is on a large modern building, neat and clean and the owner is most investors from abroad, in a modern market. the understanding of traditional market that more specific is the place where seller, buyer do the transaction process and marked with the seller the buyer transaction directly, the building usually consists of kiosks or stalls, stalls and open dasaran opened by the seller as well as a market manager. While the modern market is the market that the seller and the buyer does not deal directly but buyers see the label listed in the price of goods (barcode), located in the building and the ministry carried out independently (self-service) or serviced by the clerk.
Currently, a lot of debate about the traditional markets versus modern market. Everything began when many of the traditional market traders "roll fold" or bankrupt the growth caused by the market - the modern market. Many opinions and views of experts shown-up. According to this case, the government immediately remove any president who set the rules of this problem. Most of the content of the rules that the president is about zoning or the location of the market for modern markets. For example, the settings of the hypermarket are the president of regulation should be only on the road - the main road that big, and so forth.

Perpres actual effectiveness of the doubt because it is not at the root of the problem completed. The root of the problem is actually not a zoning issue but a lack of government attention to the community. But should the government as ri'ayatus syu'unil amah (servant of the people's affairs) do referrals - referrals and guidance to the community about the revitalization of traditional markets. In connection with the market itself, not actually need the intervention of the government flown - flown. One of the only government interventions on the treatment and penjagaannya also remember the market is one of the facilities umum.Sedangkan current condition is due to more attention by the government is not against public facilities such as the traditional market today. Identical to the traditional market dirty, smelly, dirty and so on. Should be good because the market is a more modern clean and tidy or not, regulation and maintenance markets should still be made. Rather than as now appears that this new term that is revitalizing the market. In fact it only shows the government for this passivity. Even if the traders have a roll mat that is also not a problem. The problem is after they roll the mat, they are unemployed not even get a job in the new. This is also related to the failure of the government in opening employment opportunities for people. Bankrupt because of less competitive with others in the trade fair. But that is not reasonable is very difficult to get a job after the liquidation. Well this is actually a problem that is lack of employment opportunities.
Thus, in the hope of engineering to the development of IT markets with a more sophisticated technology to attract people but does not reduce the traditional value in it.


Traditional markets have been known since many centuries ago is estimated to have emerged since the kingdom of Kunai Kart Negara time in the tenth century BC -5. Starting from the barter of goods day-to-day needs of the nation's sea bamboo curtain, the community began dagangannya and there were sale and purchase transaction without the use of currency to the currency that comes from the Chinese nation.
In fact, the reliefs on temple unsanitary is the story of the community in time when the kingdom of deal to buy even if it does not sell in detail. Market dijamannya serve as a meeting place from all over the village and even used as a tool for political change dijamannya important information. Even at the time of entry of Islamic civilization in the land of water disband 12 BC; the market is used as a tool for breakaway. The guardian teaches grammar to trade the right way according to Islamic teachings.
Market area is also a mixing area for the various ethnic communities present there than locally. Ethnic Chinese, Arabic, Gujarat, India is a big traders at that time. Market dipping built most of the ports and rivers for easy loading and unloading activities of goods and facilitates the purchase transaction.
Diamond Dutch colonization, the traditional market place began to be established with the appropriate building large enough dijamannya. Market Beringharjo in Yogya, Semarang in Johar Market and Market in the city of Gede Solo Any example is the traditional market in the past were best alternative. And there is even a kind of ritual self dimasyarakat Java, namely the establishment of market must get a certain kind pulung (revelation) so that traders can sell at these attitudes. Market was established as a central selling food and clothing in town, large and that the colonists are easier to supervise traditional market freak.
In Tulungagung county, there are even traditional markets that follow the market (day's) market, such as Java Legi, Kliwon, and Legi Pahing. The traders and the rotation of the day. For example Legi on the market, the market place akan Legi disuatu by many traders and buyers. While other dihari, Legi market will not be crowded and there are only a few traders only. In fact, there are only market that is open to selling some types of merchandise such as for sale to buy a goat / cow only dipasar Kliwon only. Very unique one time when I was a little girl, sometimes I went to Mama Bu'De my shop and increase rural transportation to one of toward traditional markets.
Variety of merchandise that is unique in that market, there is wasp nest, banana heart, snails, didih (a frozen chicken blood) to noisy music scene that Java launched from the sound quality with No.3.
Jakarta also has historical value to the market that is high enough, the market in the 16 century, form because there were loading and unloading activities in harbour and had a potential buyer. Market in Batavia is the old city north of Jakarta. Because there was war between the Chinese and the Dutch at that time, then got burned out by the Dutch and the market is now moved south of the old city Batavia Glodok a market that is still standing now. Over time and growing population, the city of Batavia merged to the south area. Area Baroe market and the market Monday (because Monday is the peak time and it was only gathered on that day) was launched, loading and unloading activities of goods to the market were done through the canals and rivers that time is remaining before the canals of New Market. Senen area was renovated (revitalises in the 1970s) as a result of the Presidential Instruction. Even in the 1990s, some of the old market Senen House-Office buildings demolished and turned into shopping centres and luxury hotels.
Senen market area own growing up to now, the end of year 1987an start Senen market area because there are famous retail Ramayana and Robinson. Around year1987,
generally, the traditional market segments have a middle-down and selling retail. Visitors dominated by housewives and pitchman. Estimated there are 24,000 traditional markets to absorb the labour force of 12,000,000 (as most of the traders) and daily net income more than Rp 500 billion up to 1 trillion rupiah throughout Indonesia. A very large amount of the crisis such as this, imagine a rotation of money from the once very large traditional market
Modern market itself diperiode appear in the 1980s, the market and Blok M Mayestik Any market that is quite comfortable dijamannya. Appear until a few supermarket shopping , one of interested supermarket. One of supermarket in Indonesia, namely Gelael, Hero and the zero in the middle over the place in Jakarta on. Now there are only a few supermarket outlets are still survive in Jakarta. The rest has been a mini market close booming since the beginning of 2000.
Minimarket Alfamart such as race and Indomart to control the inlet. Ditempatb I already have 3 pieces Alfamart and 3 fruit Indomart only ½ km distance with it and have some shops in line of sight. Not far from Market Inpres Jatiasih, there is a hypermarket with a brand Naga 1 km and is now being built in the next period, Giant


Problems soon arose when modern market continuing slowly trimming the existence of traditional markets. With the conditions and atmosphere of a clean, comfortable, and all that is needed there, people tend to leave the traditional market. On the other hand, the longer the goods - the goods at the market modern and traditional markets are almost similar. Even the price is likely to compete with traders in traditional markets and even in some cases on the market price is much cheaper modern.
Thus, the problem of the market between traditional and modern markets is also located on the government side of the people who do not. So to resolve this problem is not with the expenditure President Instruction the zoning issue but a comprehensive treatment of all lines start from agriculture, foreign trade, up to the line of job creation.
AC Nielsen survey results also indicate 2005, the ratio of people desire to shop at traditional markets tend to go down, from 65% in 1999 to be 53% in 2004. On the case for the modern market, the ratio was increased from 35% (1999) to 47% (2004). Omzet own modern retail, the Retail Association of India (APRINDO), years ago has reached Rp 140 trillion. On the other hand, the Market Traders Association of Indonesia (APPSI) record, around 400 traditional market stalls close each year.
The impact of the contention, according to AC Nielsen survey in 2004 found that the data market growth 31.4% modern and traditional markets even minus 8.1%. This indicates a problem faced by the traditional market place as a major product-selling basic products produced by the middle of a small economic scale, namely:

• Number of seller had increased.
• Low of awareness against discipline, cleanliness and order.
• Low understanding of consumer behaviour.
• Vision and mission management market is not clear.
• The market has not functioned and served effectively.
• Standard operating procedures (SOP) is not clear.
• Management is not financially accountable and transparent.
• Less attention to the maintenance of physical facilities (tarnish, dirty and smelly).
• Traders pavement that does not get the order because the place is not eligible.
• The bullying.
• No supervision of goods sold, and the standardization of size and weight.
• Issue public facilities.
• The kiosk structure/ location that is not uniform.

Not mean that traditional markets continue to replace, then replaced with a hypermarket or building luxury mall. Have been many cases like this the revitalization is boarded but then the market traders had replaced, were threatened when not moving or even burned as indirectly threatened. The market has been burnt and then paled zinc and then the merchants are forbidden to build kiosk again, and the former market building was changed to shopping centres. And the traders who used to have stalls are required to buy a new kiosk with new, more expensive, the kiosks are a source of revenue for seller. Not surprisingly, when traders in Koja market and other areas had chaos because injustice is happening.
But on other countries such as neighbour nation - Malaysia and Singapore, the traditional market as tourist destinations. Managed with the traditional market professional and clean so that visitors feel comfortable and also fun to shop. Thailand, market floating even become a major destination by foreign tourists who visit. Traditional markets in Turkey, Japan and Korea also managed to be professional and destination


Published Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 112/2007 on the regulation and the Development of Traditional Market, Shopping Centre and shop at the Modern 27 December 2007 and Regional Regulation (Perda) on the Protection and Empowerment of Traditional Market regulation and Modern Market in East Java on 28 February 2008 are expected to protect small traders as well as to empower cooperatives , micro-scale businesses, small medium (KUMKM). No government issued Perpres. 112/2007, in which there is a clause that set the opening hours of the modern retail facilities. In article 4, paragraph 1 mentioned that the shopping centres and modern shops must consider the distance between the traditional market hypermarket existing as before. Clause 7 Perpres 112/2007 obliges hypermarket work hours, department stores and supermarkets are Monday - Friday 10:00 - 22:00 local time, while Saturday - Sunday 10:00 - 22:00 local time. Markets in modern products are required to absorb the resulting small medium scale businesses (SMEs).
As in the draft Regulation on the Protection and Empowerment of Traditional Market regulation and Modern Market in East Java requires that the location of modern markets and modern shops to the Spatial Plan Area District Plan and Details Spatial District, including the setting zone. Article 9 in the local regulations hypermarket, shopping centres and the type of modern markets should only be located in or on the network access arterial or Collector Street. Colour directed at rural areas so that the centre of new growth for regional development. Offender regulations that can apply sanctions revocation of a permit issued by the regent / city major. Modern markets Regulation should refer Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, especially paragraph 4, says, and held a national economy based on economic democracy with the principles of justice and togetherness. Regulation should also pay attention to Law No.5/1999 on the Prohibition and monopoly practices Business Competition No Sehat.zoning in more detail. For example, the modern market with a 100m2 up to 500m2 can be established with at least 1 km distance from the market tradisional. Meanwhile market with a modern 500m2 to 1000m2 given boundary 1.5 km from the traditional market. Based on Law no. 32 of 2004 on Local Government, cities and districts have full authority to resolve the issue in the context market policy. Among others, with the recent regulations that protect the traditional market, synergize with modern markets, competitiveness and spur power
Vision of government in the context of logic, systemic, lateral and shared vision has been to try to do with the regulation revision No. 6 / 1992 on the management of the market, and no regulation. 12/1999 on PD. Pasar Jaya, where the operator has a greater opportunity to build additional facilities on the market.


In traditional markets, have advantages: first, when we buy fish (marine, brackish or fresh) can choose fresh fish and a good choice in many traditional markets and prices can bargain. second, we can buy ingredients kitchen, buy shoot, buy vegetables, etc. with the money 500 silver ... I try to market a modern, kitchen spices are pre packed and the price is much more expensive, third, we can buy with many options sembako eg wheat & rice have many types live we see how much money I have in the modern market only products of the factory sold. The disadvantages of markets, all would agree that the traditional market and dirty smell (especially when the rainy season). Safety factor (for example: pickpocket) and weighing the low risks of scales.
The advantages that a modern market price promo, where the difference between the price of goods promo 6000 until 1000 can be compared with the previous price, gifts, quality assurance, look interesting, and easy access to product information. Supported other facilities as an alternative entertainment for consumers, such as a playground, where buying, it will attract consumers. Market also provides modern comfort for the building air-conditioned, clean, tidy and a mini market, such as The growth Alphamaret and Indomaret a distance not too far from home we provide more value to the modern market, does not need to clear the market to tarnish and dirty to meet daily needs. Lack of modern markets that have been handed in all regions. All food products and beverages packed neatly and stored in the refrigerator is rigid and silent, shopping atmosphere 'established' this stuck and boring. No interaction bargaining atmosphere of the traditional market while providing colour in the distinctive living aroma. There are salted fish, street tarnish, there are blazing sun, men have a more modest heel well regarded. Shopping 'modern' way of life against all the IM. Men and women who felt themselves well-established, with the lofty push trolley full of shopping goods. traditional markets are also still has some advantages that are not owned by the modern market, which is still in the social contact during bargaining between sellers and buyers. "Not as modern markets are forcing consumers to comply with the price already set, or that, he said, the government as a market regulator should arrange so that the development of modern market competition between traders trading traditional and modern land not rebut each other." Managed properly, the distance kilometres from traditional markets can not be built mini market.


Strategies to develop market traditional is supported with 4 (four) elements, namely: (1) Starting the trading strategy, (2) Selecting Strategies and buy goods, (3) Selling strategies, and (4) strategies to build, maintain and foster cooperation between seller. Launch strategy undertaken by the seller is an action that needs to be done and the personal factors that have situation. Actions include, namely: (1) consider the characteristics of the buyer or the market, (2) find attractive merchandise that can be sold, (3) prepare business mode, and (4) determine the location of a business that matches the type of goods for sale. Strategy and choose to buy the goods necessary considering, namely: (1) purchasing many place to get a variety of goods, (2) with the purchase amount with the condition of capital, (3) select the item with variations in colour, model and size accordingly. Selling strategy by the Seller do the aspects include: merchandise displays well and clearly, to be called for prospective buyers, using the local language, using the selling price is not high / the same as the seller of similar goods retails, ready to accept the exchange of goods, spending on goods end of the year, and that is the most important and the last trade moved from the traditional markets and that one night to the traditional market and the other night.
Building the strategy, develop and maintain cooperation among vendors is done with, attempted to mutually recognize each other vendors, interact with both, cooperation formed between the seller, foster openness and mutual trust between the seller, helping develop the attitudes, and share information. There are quite a few things that the dominant cause of the failure of the seller in selling, namely: (1) Lack of motivation in the seller, usually occurs on the seller that is still young and celibacy. (2) The seller does not have talent to trade. (3) Not able to interact with sesame both the seller and the local community. (4) In the management of financial capital or the generally minimal. (5) The growth hypermarket Start shopping and purchasing power can cause people in the traditional market is reduced, so that the model is minimal can not compete. (5) special macro economy, the number of wholesale traders in the elder brother, and Jatinegara, Cipulir goods shop where they go bankrupt due to goods from a country many Chinese go to Indonesia.


Our weakness is we do not have the awareness to maintain the traditional market which is a pillar of the nation's economy, we are always to the self-interest, we do not have the awareness to see the nation together as a joint problem. Nations are no longer seen as a sacrifice with the imagination, but rather seen as a great opportunity of how we can dredge the country. Not property such as in Indonesia even ashamed of identity with the traditional market, does not care about the extinction markets, when traditional markets are managed professionally, neatly very clean and certainly could be a tourism and increase the employment and income countries. The government issued a policy on traditional markets, but until now the traditional markets threatened extinction has not been resolved. Also encourage the government and not ask people to continue to create a modern market creation, but even clap to the presence of a modern capital market is very large for the narrow space economy. Traditional Market and the slum existence saw this market the traditional left will die slowly


See a problem with the traditional market is aware of the existing then we can summarized the efforts in what must be done as a IT engineer in maintaining the traditional markets, namely: (1) As expected to participate in the consumer care and help so that the market does not disappear with the traditional purchase needs in the traditional markets. (2) Develop the market with traditional web or internet, so there are lots of information about the various goods that are sold, the price of goods, goods and address of our search. (3) Set the layout or location of a systematic and strategic in order to facilitate when consumers buy. (4) Create associations between the traders to determine the strategy, and discusses the lack of excess and find solutions together when there is a problem for efforts to improve the performance of traditional markets


Final Test M. Gama Iffahindra (06407017)


Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is an important part of the economy of a country or region, not excluded in Indonesia. As an illustration, in spite of contributions in national output (GDP) and only 56.7 percent in export nonmigas only 15 percent, but SMEs contribute around 99 percent in the number of business entities in Indonesia and have a 99.6 percent share in employment (Kompas , 14/12/2001). However, in reality, this is less the attention of SMEs. Can be said that awareness of the importance of SMEs can be said then appear later this course.

At least there are three reasons that underlie the developing world has significant presence of SMEs look (Berry, et al, 2001). The first reason is because the performance of SMEs tend to be better in terms of the productive workforce. Second, as part of dinamikanya, SMEs often achieve increased productivity through investment and technological change. The third is often believed that the SMEs have the benefits of flexibility in terms of big business instead. Kuncoro (2000a) also mentioned that small business and households in Indonesia have played an important role in absorbing labor, increase the number of business units and support household income.
The third reason that Berry et al cited above are very relevant in the context of a middle of an economic crisis. Interesting aspect of flexibility is also linked with the results of the study Akatiga based survey in West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, North Sulawesi and North Sumatra. Akatiga findings are cited as Berry et al (2001) is that small businesses in more suffering due to the crisis rather than outside Java, as well as in the urban areas when compared with that in rural areas.
Meanwhile, based on GDP data, the economic crisis has caused the provinces in the economic contraction rather than the larger areas in Indonesia (see picture below). Five provinces in Java is all five of the provinces in Indonesia experienced kemorosotan economic terparah. In 1998, when Indonesia experienced economic contraction terparah, only Papua are still positive economic growth while other provinces experienced contraction. On the year, all provinces in Java experience economic contraction far more severe than other provinces (see also Alisjahbana and Akita, 2002).

Thus, in addition to the economic contraction terparah, small businesses in the provinces on the island of Java also suffer more due to the economic crisis. Meanwhile, according to analysis results Watterberg, et al (1999), social impact of the economic crisis is very concentrated in urban areas and in Java, and a number of provinces in Eastern Indonesia. In other words, there are indications of the spatial dimensions of economic crises that occurred since mid-1997.
In the context of SMEs, one of the interesting questions that appear to whether the economic crisis is truly bringing the influence of the spatial dynamics of the SME? This is only one of the only aspects of spatial dynamics of SMEs, namely the distribution spasialnya. Can be expressed during this that a number of studies have been done for the spatial distribution of manufacturing industry, especially the large-scale and medium, for example, Azis (1994), Hill (1996), Kuncoro (2000a), Sjöberg and Sjöholm (2002). However, similar to the observation of SMEs still do not seem to be many (Kuncoro, 2000b).

1. Survive the SME
The economic crisis, especially the very severe, it has been difficult in the day-to-day lives. In this case it is not surprising that unemployment, loss of revenue and meet the basic difficulty is the social issues that are felt by society as a result of the economic crisis. Results of the survey, conducted in cooperation with the World Bank and the Ford Foundation's Central Statistics Agency (September-October 1998) asserts that the three issues that are placed by the community as a priority issue, or should soon get a settlement (Watterberg et al, 1999). In other words, the third thing is very complicated issues faced by society in general.
Condition of employment during the crisis seems to give a picture of the social impact of economic crisis (Table 1). The unemployment rate increased from 4.9 percent in 1996 to 6.1 percent in 2000. The economic crisis also has to reverse the trend appear to formalization of the economy as the reduction in formal sector workers to be 35.1. In other words, the role of the informal sector have become important in a period of economic crisis. The informal sector itself is a sector where most of Indonesia is labor.
Meanwhile, recently revealed that many SMEs have an important role for the public in the midst of economic crisis. Believed to foster the SME will also be able to achieve economic recovery (Kompas. 14/12/2001). Similar case also applies to the informal sector. Own small business, in most informal and therefore relatively easy to be penetrated by actors of new business. Opinions on the role of SMEs or the informal sector are true at least when associated with a role in minimizing the social impact of economic crisis, especially the issue of unemployment and loss of public revenue.
SMEs can be said is one of the solutions for people to stand still in the face with a crisis that is involved in the activities of small businesses that are mainly informal. With this the problem of unemployment can be a little more tertolong and are also implications in terms of income. How anjloknya with income community that, of course, reduce the purchasing power of the community products previously supplied by many large-scale business? Not
may be products of SMEs is a substitution for products business of the bankruptcy or at least difficult times due to the economic crisis. If the case is at once the trend is also a response to the purchasing power decline.
Image in the top-organized based on the results of the Integrated Business Surveys conducted BPS-presumably can be useful to give a picture how the role of SMEs for the community in crisis. [1] Surveys are limited to SMEs which are not incorporated, so the results could also reflect the informal sector. All economic sectors covered by the survey, except the agricultural sector. Therefore, do not include the agricultural sector, the survey results will better reflect the SMEs in urban areas because the agricultural sector are mostly in rural areas. This is important because Watterberg et al (1999) also concluded that the social impact of the economic crisis more concentrated in the region perkota.Secara general, the results on the BPS survey shows some interesting trends. From image 1 it appears that the number of SME business units tend to be reduced. Number of business units in the year 2000 is still less than before the economic crisis. The same thing also happened on the amount of labor. However, the decline in the number of labor setajam not decrease in the number of business units. Therefore, the labor absorbed by each business unit on average is increased. This is an indication that SMEs in fact also have advantages in absorbing the labor force in the economic crisis. The economic crisis has apparently enhance the ability of each of SMEs to absorb manpower. In other words, the sector has participated in a role in overcoming the problem of unemployment caused by economic crisis.
Data-data clearly show that SMEs have the ability to be critical for the economic pillar of the community in facing the economic crisis terpaan. This is not separated from the ability of SMEs to respond to the economic crisis in a rapid and flexible than the ability of the business (Berry et al, 2001). However, there are opinions that the informal sector did not provide meaningful improvement in standard of living of the workers. Living in the informal sector is only a subsistence living (Basri, 2002).

Initial questions that need to Diperjelas here is what SME indicator is used. SME is essentially the economic activities of the economic activities of their own while in general can be indicated by employment and value added (Sjöberg and Sjöholm, 2002). In this paper, the indicator will be used is labor, along with the number of SMEs as a business unit also pelengkap.Seperti manufacturing large and medium, spatial distribution of SMEs in the period 1996-2000 are also concentrated in Java. In 1996, about 66 percent of SMEs in Indonesia are Java (Table 2). Occurred since the economic crisis, thus increasing memusat SMEs in Java, ie, to about 68 percent of all business units that SMEs in Indonesia. From five provinces in Java, DKI Jakarta is the least likely to decrease, while the Central Java experience in continuous improvement. In addition to the provinces, and only North Sumatra and South Sulawesi are andilnya in the number of SMEs is high enough.
Apart from the number of business units, spatial distribution of these also need to be seen from the side of labor. Table 2 also shows that the economic crisis beginning down the island
Java, but the start of 1998 the increase back to Java to be 66 percent in 2000. While Indonesia is otherwise, ie, increased in 1998 but then continued to decline to less than 16 percent in 2000. To get a stronger conclusion, the development of regional distribution of SMEs can be seen from the concentration spasialnya. Spatial concentration here refers to the terkonsentrasinya SMEs in some regions only. For example, in studies that measure the spatial concentration of industry trends in Australia 1976-1995, Kuncoro using Theil Index Entropi (Kuncoro, 2000a). While for the case of Indonesian manufacturing industry in 1980 and 1996, Sjöberg and Sjöholm (2002) use the Herfindahl index and the Ellison-Glaeser index.
Kuncoro found that prior to 1988, a spatial concentration of industry has a pattern of decline, but since entering the period of deregulation, the spatial concentration is increased. Note also that the increase in spatial concentration is much more light than in Java and Sumatra islands in Indonesia. Still according to Kuncoro (2002b), in the case of Indonesia, the deregulation of trade, together with a series of deregulation is implemented to strengthen the spatial concentration of manufacturing industry.
While for the case of Indonesian manufacturing industry in 1980 and 1996, Sjöberg and Sjöholm (2002) use the Herfindahl index and the Ellison-Glaeser index of labor force data and the resulting value added manufacturing. Conclusion that not much different from the findings Kuncoro. From the analysis, Sjöberg and Sjöholm memukan that the level of spatial concentration of manufacturing in the period 1980-1996 is not reduced. Also added that the trade liberalization that began in 1983 has failed to decrease the level of concentration of manufacturing industry.
Despite the size of spatial concentration that is used is different, the two studies mentioned above have a relatively similar conclusions. In this paper the size of spatial concentration that is used is the Herfindahl index is applied to both data and business unit labor SMEs. Herfindahl index calculation results are presented in Figure 3.
Before the crisis, the level of spatial concentration of SME business unit is 0.126. In comparison, manufacturing industry Herfindahl index to Indonesia in 1996 is 0.190 (Sjöberg and Sjöholm, 2002). This does not change much in one year after the economic crisis occurred. But in 1999 concentration spatial SME business unit has increased and has not been high enough to decrease the mean in 2000. However, if the views of labor, after the crisis thus decrease the level of concentration spatial despite relatively small. 1999 and 2000, employees of SMEs Herfindahl index increased to more than 0.12. This is an indication of that happening since the economic crisis, there is a tendency for spatial menguatnya concentration of SMEs in Indonesia. Nevertheless, the increased spatial concentration relatit are actually not too big.

Since the economic crisis occurred in 1997, SMEs play a role in overcoming problems of employment. Existing data indicate that the role is quite important. However, how the employment by SMEs from the spatial aspect appears still less observed. In this paper the problem then observed spatial distribution of SMEs and not to the spatial dynamics of determinan SME itself.
From the analysis it can be concluded that until the year 2000, SMEs (non-agricultural non-legal) are still concentrated in Java, both views of the number of business and number of employees. There are also indications menguatnya spatial concentration of SMEs in the economy since the crisis Indonesia. Indications are it would still need to equipped with the effort to identify factors that influence what spatial dynamics of SMEs, as is done in studies of idustri manufacturing in general.

Oleh: Aloysius Gunadi Brata -- Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Atmajaya, Yogyakarta (UAJY).
Akita, T dan A. Alisjahbana, 2002, “Regional Income Inequality in Indonesia and the Initial Impact of the Economic Crisis”. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 38 (2): 201-222.
Azis, I. J., 1994, Ilmu Ekonomi Regional Dan Beberapa Penerapannya di Indonesia. Jakarta, LP-FEUI.
Basri, M. C., 2002, “Wajah Murung Ketenagakerjaan Kita”. Kompas, 25 November.
Berry, A., E. Rodriquez, dan H. Sandeem, 2001, “Small and Medium Enterprises Dynamics in Indonesia.” Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 37 (3): 363-384.
Hill, H., 1996, Transformasi Ekonomi Indonesia Sejak 1966: Sebuah Studi Kritis dan Komprehensif. Yogyakarta, PAU-UGM dan Tiara Wacana.
Kompas, 2001, “Memupuk UKM, Menuai Pemulihan Ekonomi”. 14 Desember 2001.
Kuncoro, M., 2002a, Analisis Spasial dan Regional: Studi Aglomerasi dan Kluster Industri Indonesia. Yogyakarta: UPP AMP YKPN.
Kuncoro, M., 2002b, “A Quest for Industrial Districts: An Empirical Study of Manufacturing Industries in Java.” Makalah disajikan dalam lokakarya Economic Growth and Institutional Change in Indonesia during the 19th and 20th Centuries, Amsterdam 25-26 Februari.
Sjöberg, Ö dan F. Sjöholm, 2002, “Trade Liberalization and the Geography of Production: Agglomeration, Concentration and Dispersal in Indonesia’s Manufacturing Industry. SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economic and Finance No 488.
Suryahadi, A., W. Widyanti, D. Perwira, S. Sumarto, 2003, “Minimum Wage Policy and Its Impact on Employment in the Urban Formal Sector”, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies Vol 39 No 1, 29-50.
Watterberg, A., S. Sumarto, L. Prittchett. 1999. “A National Snapshot of the Social Impact of Indonesia’s Crisis”. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies Vol 35 No 3, 145-152.

Final Test Fadilah Oky K. (065.07.007)

USER IN Trisakti University

Fadilah Oki Kurniawan
Jurusan teknik informatika
Fakultas teknologi industri,Universitas Trisakti
Jln.Kyai Tapa No. 1 Grogol Jakarta Barat
Email :

Trisakti University as one of the universities in Jakarta has
computer laboratory for practical activities. Although, Maranatha Christian
University has owned an absence application which records the user's accessing the
computer in the laboratory, but the system can not track whether the user sit on its place
correctly or not. For that reason SMEs need a system to control and minimize the
risk of lost and damage the keyboard, mouse and computer table because the data have
Recorded in a database.
The main purpose of this research is to make a laboratory tracking absent
system software to record the use of computer laboratory facilities.

I. Introduction

At the time of this rapidly developing technology. The development of this technology increased the demand of human resources (HR), which have competence in the field and the technology to solve the problem that faces.
Trisakti University as one of the universities in Indonesia have been realized so that it provides facilities - facilities that help students and student learning. One of the facilities provided by the SME is a computer laboratory. Provision of this facility requires a control. These aim to be the facility can be maintained well.
In fact many computer and laboratory facilities in the computer are often damaged. This is evidence of damage is still the weak control of the system. Damage is generally caused by the student or the student is not responsible. Identification of the student or the student is very difficult because there is no record of a computer in the computer laboratory that can record and deny access when students enter the computer or student does not have the right to use computer.
Therefore the author tries to build an application controlling the computer in the computer laboratory that can record the entry and deny access if the computer user is not entitled to use the computer. With this application the laboratory that can be controlled well, so that the computer laboratory facilities damage caused by the student or the student is not responsible for initialization can be prevented and the computer by the students or the student is not entitled to can be overcome.
Attendance this application will handle:
1. The computer records that the student or student use.
2. Reports that the computer can be used as evidence of the use of
computers by students or student.
3. Protection against computer laboratory by the students or the student does not
entitled to use the computer.

II. Platform Theory

II.1 UML (Unified Modeling Language)
UML is a permodelan used at this time to
represents a unity of concept - the concept and notation used for
memodelkan a problem. The goal of UML was to become a common language used to create the object model that is based on the development of computer engineering.
UML memodelkan a program in the form of classes and objects. Class is the "pattern" of an object. Of a class can be made many similar objects.
Example: from a pattern xxx clothing brand, can be made a lot of (the object) xxx clothing brand, which has red, blue, green, and so forth.
Objects are things that have a nature.
Object: Bicycles
Characteristics: Color
Action: Rem
Object: Stone
Characteristics: Color
In the object program is a combination of variables and functions related to each other. Nature
object is often referred to as property and the action is often called the most method.Perbedaan light between the classroom with the class nature of the object is not terdefenisi while the object is terdefenisi.
The goal of this class diagram is to create a class to become a
model. In object-oriented application, classes have attributes, operations and relationships
with other classes. UML class diagram in this case can memodelkan with Sangay easy. Dimodelkan a class with a rectangle that has three parts. The top of the class name is then the attribute is set - the attributes of that class, and the bottom is the operation performed by the class.

II.2 Database (Database)
The database consists of two words, and the data base. The base can be defined as
storage while the data is a representation of the real world, which represents
an object is recorded in the form of numbers, letters, symbols, text. The principle is the main database for the data and the main goal is simplicity and speed in the return data.
The database used to store, retrieve and manipulate data almost
all types of companies, including business, education, hospitals, government and
The database can avoid the data redudancy. Data is redudancy
duplication of data where some files have the same data so that the
dissipation capacity storage media. By using the database, change,
the addition and deletion of data more easily dilakukan.Basis data also support the initialization of a shared resource - the same by more than an application.
Database system is better known by the term Database Management System
DBMS is a system of storage and the data that allow
some applications to access data in an integrated system so that it does not
occur redudancy data and data integrity can be maintained. Here is a picture of a DBMS that manage data storage in a database and served as a link between media applications with the database.

Examples of DBMS are:
• Oracle
• SQL Server
• Informix
• DB2

IV. Conclusion and Suggestions

This application has the ability as follows:
1. Saving the student that consists of a number of students and the name
2. Computer stores information that consists of IP and computer name of the computer.
3. The computer stores information.
4. Impede access by the user entry that is not entitled or which are not listed.
In addition to these applications have the ability also has some deficiency that must be considered, namely:
1. The installation must use the default path. This is because this application has not been
have the ability to determine the directory path.
2. Access entrance to the windows operating system using a 'safe mode' so that the user is still allowed to know the local administrator password can access komputer.oleh recommended because it can save the administrator password with the password and make changes periodically.
3. Configuring the application is still in the form of a text that does not tersandikan (no encryption).

V. References

[1] Manfre, M. Creating A Windows Service with C #.
[Access Date: 25 October 2004]. [].
[2] Schult, W. and A. Polze. Aspect-Oriented Programming with C # and. NET. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. Potsdam University, Germany in 2004.
[3] Object-Oriented Frameworks for Network Programming. Access Date: October 27, 2002].
[4] SoftTech Developer.Get Current logged on user.
[Access Date: 25 October 2004]. [].

Final Test Yuli Eko Purwanto (06407029)


Information Technology is a technology economy that is used to process data, including the process, obtain, compile, store, manipulate data in different ways to produce high quality information, information that is relevant, accurate and timely, which is used for personal, business, and governance and is a strategic information for decision making. This technology uses a set of computers to process data, the network system to connect one computer with other computers in accordance with their needs, and to use telecommunications technology so that data can be assigned and accessed globally. The role that can be provided by the application of information technology is to get this information to private life, such as information about health, hobbies, recreation, and spiritual. Then for the profession, such as science, technology, trade, business news, and professional associations. Means of cooperation between the private or group with which one or the other group without the limit of distance and time, country, race, economic class, ideology or other factors that can prevent exchange ideas


As we know that the actual since before technology already have , or humans have been using the technology . Someone using the technology as a demand of the age and because human understanding , and with understand these people can come out of the problem , want to live better , more secure , etc . Development of technology use occur because someone understand , and understand are used to solve the problem that faces .

There is a large IT can play a role in providing solutions for every activity that has a place of difference, this could facilitate the work process, efficiency of time and also costs is necessary. Hubungansosial a man can look in the face even without, economic transactions can be done even without having to shake hands, all can easily occur with the development and IT. But nevertheless in need of IT with the ability or tunjang Skill and knowledge of every human being to be able to run and operate it.


News or information and IT benefits of Internet in business appears to have been so much so that if written would be a book. Please note that IT can be a product or can be used as a tool (tools). So a company can produce IT or use IT to produce products or services. For the past, serve as the IT tools, not as an end product.

There is a break in the Internet space and time limitations. A company in Indonesia have the same opportunity for access to the American market compared with the company in Europe, or even with the company in the United States. Previously this may be difficult because local companies will have easier access to the local market. Please note, that the (company to access markets outside India) can also be done easily. If this does not get attention, then the domestic market we akan dijarah by foreign companies.

Based economy to the IT and the Internet and even this has its own name: New Digital Networked Economy. In this new economy many old rules economics (old economy) . Capital markets such as NASDAQ stocks is dominated by companies based on the many technology and monitored by the business. Stock-company technology stocks, especially the IT and Internet-based, searchable by the search-even though the company is still in a state of ruin. This convention is different from the old economy. Is this healthy or not, many studies have been about this. There is a bubble economy as you say it [View refrensi "Internet Bubble"]. Point is delivered to this new economy that we must see knowledge and carefully.

We know that the economy in Indonesia at the moment the tidal , but on the one hand , IPTEK development so that imposing that it is true that has brought extraordinary benefits for human life . Type of work that oreviously required physical ability that is big enough , now it is relatively device is replaced by automatic machine , and a computer program that’s growing , as if the human ability to move position in the various fields of science and human activity .
With the progress of IT so which has now reached truly has been recognized and felt to provide more convenience and comfort for human life .

Even if the technology is able to reveal all the curtain of human life, means that the technology todak synonym with the truth. For Science & Technology is only able to show a reality. Science & Technology, but does not recognize moral humanity, by the Science & Technology can never become a standard of truth or the solution of human problems.

Technology has been known since man first, a lot of definition-the definition of the word technology itself, one that defined by the Alisyahbana Iskandar (1980), namely: Technology has been known since humans millions of years ago because of the encouragement to live a more comfortable, more prosperous and more prosperous. So since the beginning of the actual technology has been there, although the term "technology has not been used. The term "technology" comes from "techne" or how, and "logos" or knowledge. So technology can literally mean the knowledge of the ways. The technology itself according to him is the way to do something to meet the needs of people with the help of reason and the tool, so as if to extend, strengthen, or create a more powerful body, pancaindra and human brain.

Meanwhile, according to Jaques Ellul (1967) gives the sense technology as "the overall method that is rational and has the characteristic of efficiency in every field of human activity" The technology in general is:

* processes that increase the value added
* the product produced and used to facilitate and improve the performance
* The structure or system in which the process and the product is developed and used

The progress of technology is something that we can not avoid in life, because of advances in technology will be run in accordance with kemajuanm knowledge. Each innovation was created to provide positive benefits for human life. To give much easier, and as a new way in doing human activities. Specifically in the areas of technology many people already enjoy the benefits brought about by innovations that have been generated in the last decade. However, although initially created to produce positive benefits, on the other hand it is also possible to use also for the negative.

Of course Iptek does not recognize moral humanity, because it can never Iptek mejadi standard of truth or the solution of humanitarian problems. The impact of positive and negative impacts of the development of technology from a variety of areas, including in the field of economy in Indonesia, namely:

Economics and Industry

In the field of economic technology developing very rapidly. Progress of technology, we can feel positive benefits, including:

1. Economic growth that the higher
2. The occurence of Industrilization
3. Productivity , the industry has been increasing

Advances in technology will improve productivity of the industry both from the aspects of the technology industry and on aspects of the type of production. Investment and reinvestasi held a massive increase that will be the world's economic productivity. In the future, the impact of the development of technology in the industry will be increasingly important. The signs have shown that the technology will appear that allows business customers to contact the individual directly with the factory so that service can be implemented directly and individual tastes can be met, and the more important consumer need not go to the store.

4. Competition in the workplace so that workers demanded to increase skills and knowledge dimiliki.Kecenderungan technology and economic development, will impact on the employment and qualification of manpower required. Qualified workforce and the amount of labor needed akan change that quickly. As a result, the education that is needed is education of the workforce that is able to transform knowledge and skill in accordance with the demands of labor that needs to change.

5. In the field of medical and economic kemajauan able to make medical products become commodities, however there are also negative effects, among others; 1. the occurrence of unemployment for workers who do not have any qualifications in accordance with the dibutuhkan2. As a result of the consumptive nature of the tight competition in the era of globalization will also bear the next generation, which is experiencing moral decline: consumptive, wasteful and have a shortcut that bermental "instant".

Another example of the influence of IT on the economy are:

As the examples in the world economy through IT when a broker knows tomorrow rupiah akan with a drastic fall, he will be rushing to the bank to exchange your dollar with the dollar. Imagine what will happen with your money if he does not get the information. Similarly in the social world to know that if you have news about the scandals terungkapnya state officials, or news about the extinction of the lamp is going to happen in our area, we will soon find out about the news will somehow useful for us to make positive preparation, or simply pemuasan konatif only. Examples of these shows that information has become a valuable commodity to human needs. IT or Information Technology to provide a remarkable contribution in the dissemination of information materials to all parts of the world.

While the negative effect could arise because of IT, such as the economic aspects of globalization, opening the free market allows foreign products enter easily. With so many products abroad and ditambahnya prices are relatively cheap to reduce the sense of devotion to the product in the country. With the loss of love of the product in the country showed symptoms of the reduced sense of nationalism to the people, our nation of Indonesia.


Conclusion we can pull from the above problems, the IT and the Internet in business appears to have been so much so that if written would be a book. Please note that IT can be a product or can be used as a tool (tools). So a company can produce IT or use IT to produce products or services. For the past, serve as the IT tools, not as an end product.
There is a break in the Internet space and time limitations. A company in Indonesia have the same opportunity for access to the American market compared with the company in Europe, or even with the company in the United States. Previously this may be difficult because local companies will have easier access to the local market. Please note, that the (company to access markets outside India) can also be done easily. If this does not get attention, then the domestic market we akan dijarah by foreign companies.

uas ekonomi informasi



Migration has been gradual, but the move to IPv6 could speed up with IPv4 addresses running out

The argument about how best to upgrade the Internet’s main communications protocol raged in the Internet Engineering Task Force in the early 1990s. By then, experts realized that the Internet would eventually run out of address space with the original version of the Internet Protocol, known as IPv4.
The issue of what direction to take with the next-generation of IP came to a head at a 1994 IETF meeting in Toronto. Ultimately, the IETF decided to replace the 32-bit addressing scheme in IPv4 with a 128-bit addressing scheme in IPv6. The standards body tried to create other reasons to upgrade to IPv6, including built-in security with IPsec and easier management through autoconfiguration of devices.

Nearly a decade after IPv6 was finalized, the network industry has yet to embrace the new protocol. That’s because a forklift upgrade to IPv6 is too expensive and time consuming for a carrier or enterprise, with little measurable return. Instead, the network industry anticipates a gradual transition to IPv6, which will likely run side by side with IPv4 for many years to come.
Now it appears that IPv6 is finally winning this argument. The American Registry for Internet Numbers recommended in May that the Internet community start migrating to IPv6.
In fact, some industry experts predict that there are only around 1,200 days left until the Internet runs out of IPv4 addresses. Leading the charge to IPv6 is the U.S. federal government, which has mandated that all agencies support the new protocol in their backbone networks by June 2008.
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), sometimes called the "next generation" IP protocol (IPng), is designed by the IETF to replace the current version Internet Protocol, IP Version 4 ("IPv4"), which is now more than twenty years old. Most of today's network uses IPv4 and it is beginning to have problems, for example, the growing shortage of IPv4 addresses.
IPv6 fixes manyshortages in IPv4, including the limited number of available IPv4 addresses. It also adds many improvements to IPv4 in areas. The key benefits of introducing IPv6 are:
• 340 undecillion IP addresses for the whole world network devices
• Plug and Play configuration with or without DHCP
• Better network bandwidth efficiency using multicast and anycast without broadcast
• Better QOS support for all types of applications
• Native information security framework for both data and control packets
• Enhanced mobility with fast handover, better route optimization and hierarchical mobility

The following table compares the key characters of IPv6 vs. IPv4:
Subjects IPv4 IPv6 IPv6 Advantages
Address Space 4 Billion Addresses 2^128 79 Octillion times the IPv4 address space
Configuration Manual or use DHCP Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) with or without DHCP Lower Operation Expenses and reduce error
Broadcast / Multicast Uses both No broadcast and has different forms of multicast Better bandwidth efficiency
Anycast support Not part of the original protocol Explicit support of anycast Allows new applications in mobility, data center
Network Configuration Mostly manual and labor intensive Facilitate the re-numbering of hosts and routers Lower operation expenses and facilitate migration
QoS support ToS using DIFFServ Flow classes and flow labels More Granular control of QoS
Security Uses IPsec for Data packet protection IPsec becomes the key technology to protect data and control packets Unified framework for security and more secure computing environment
Mobility Uses Mobile IPv4 Mobile IPv6 provides fast handover, better router optimization and hierarchical mobility Better efficiency and scalability; Work with latest 3G mobile technologies and beyond.
Few in the industry would argue with the principle that IPv6 represents a major leap forward for the Internet and the users. However, given the magnitude of a migration that affects so many millions of network devices, it is clear that there will be an extended period when IPv4 and IPv6 will coexist at many levels of the Internet
IETF protocol designers have expended a substantial amount of effort to ensure that hosts and routers can be upgraded to IPv6 in a graceful, incremental manner. Transition mechanisms have been engineered to allow network administrators a large amount of flexibility in how and when they upgrade hosts and intermediate nodes. Consequently, IPv6 can be deployed in hosts first, in routers first, or, alternatively, in a limited number of adjacent or remote hosts and routers. Another assumption made by IPv6 transition designers is the likelihood that many upgraded hosts and routers will need to retain downward compatibility with IPv4 devices for an extended time period. It was also assumed that upgraded devices should have the option of retaining their IPv4 addressing. To accomplish these goals, IPv6 transition relies on several special functions that have been built into the IPv6 standards work, including dual-stack hosts and routers and tunnelling IPv6 via IPv4.

IPv6 over IPv4 Tunnelling

Neither the global Internet nor the TCP/IP protocols are static. Through its Internet Engineering Task Force, the Internet Architecture Board provides active, ongoing efforts that keep the technology evolving. Most notable is the introduction of IP v6 protocol. IP v4 supports only a limited number of IP addresses, and the IP address space is fast depleting. To accommodate for future expansion, IP v6 has been introduced.
Features of Ipv6:
1. The features of IPv6 are
2. Larger Addresses
3. Flexible Header Format
4. Improved Options
5. Support for Resource Allocation
6. Provision for protocol extension

In the above Figure,
VERS: Specifies the version of the protocol
FLOW LABEL: The base header contains information that routers use to associate a datagram with a specific flow and priority.
PAYLOAD LENGTH: Specifies the number of octets carried in the datagram.
NEXT HEADER: Specifies the type of the following header.
HOP LIMIT: This field interprets a time-to-live as a combination of hop count and maximum time.
SOURCE ADDRESS: It requires 16 octets to specify the sender address.
DESTINATION ADDRESS: It requires 16 octets to specify the recipient address.
IPv6 Address Types:
The destination address on a datagram falls into one of the three categories:
o Unicast
The destination address specifies a single computer
o Cluster
The destination is a set of computers that all share a single address prefix
o Multicast
The destination is a set of computers, possibly at multiple locations.

Ipv4 vs. Ipv6

Ipv4 is the fourth version of Internet protocol, but the first one to be widely deployed. It uses a 32 bit addressing and allows for 4,294,967,296 unique addresses. Ipv4 has four different class types, the class types are A, B, C, and D. An example of Ipv4 is 207. 142. 131. 235. The ipv4 uses a subnet mask because of the large numbers of computers used today.

The subnet mask helps reduce the number of unique IP given to companies, corporations and so on. An example of a subnet mask is a company. A architectural company is given one ip address to use in their company. The IP that they are given is the class C addresses, 192. 182. 162. 0. However, the employees want to send information about the plan to a fellow employee. The default subnet mask is 255. 255. 255. 0 this default is used so that people can send instant messages to each other without downloading programs such as MSN messenger. The 0 in the subnet mask allows you to have 16 different networks having 14 computers per network allowing you to have a total of 224 computers in the company. You can create these networks by modifying the 0 the only number you can modify in the network. In the binary version of the 0 of the subnet mask it looks like this 0000. You can modify the numbers from 0000 – 1111. Those numbers will represent your network, you will then need numbers for your computer. When adding the numbers for the computer your IP would look like this in tens. the zero after the dash represents your computer number. The way you can modify the number is the same as the network number, the difference is that you can only the numbers 0001-1110 in other words you cannot have all ones or all zeros. For further reference there is a diagram in the next page.

Ipv6 is the next in the advancement of IP’s. Although it is version 6 it will probably be the next widely deployed Internet protocol. Compared to the Ipv4 which allows for only 4,294,967,296 unique addresses, the Ipv6 that uses a 128-bit system will hold 340-undecillion (34, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000) this number is so vast that there are more unique ip addresses than stars in the universe, as we know it. However, the Ipv6 will not come out till at least 2025 in because they need time to fix the bugs in the protocol. An example of Ipv6 is:
207. 142. 131. 235. 207. 142. 131. 235. 207. 142. 131. 235. 207. 142. 131. 235.

Version 4 of the Internet Protocol (Ipv4) provides the basic communication mechanism of the TCP/IP suite and the global Internet. Although the need for a large address space is forcing an immediate change in IP, other factors are contributing to the design as well. In particular, IP v6 can support new services, and applications. IPv6 retains many of the basic concepts from IPv4, but changes most details. Like IPv4, IPv6 provides a connectionless, best-effort datagram delivery service. However, the IPv6 datagram format is completely different than the IPv4 format, and IPv6 provides new features such as authentication, a mechanism for flow-controlled streams of datagrams, and support for security.
The reason we may need to switch from Ipv4 to Ipv6 is because of the population of the world. The rate at which the world’s population is growing is nothing to look down at. Also in the future all vehicles will probably be networked in order to use Onstar or other navigational devices and those need IP’s too. So eventually we would need more unique IP’s than the number we have now.

http://Suba at anandsoft dot com.